nice to meet you pt 2 (f/marliza)

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after the day was over at school, maria walked towards eliza and her friends. they all smiled brightly as they saw her walk over.

"just came to say goodbye before james comes out." maria stated as she stood next to peggy.

"are you sure you're ok to go home with that fucker?" hercules asked with a serious tone.

"i hope so." maria sighed.

"maria," eliza spoke up, "give me your phone so i can give you my number."

"um...ok." maria mumbled as she pulled her phone from her pocket.

she handed it to eliza and eliza gracefully took it from her grasp. she hurriedly typed in her number and handed it back.

"just in case that motherfucker tries something." eliza smiled and winked causing maria to blush.

"whoa!" peggy exclaimed, "eliza schuyler cursing? who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

eliza playfully pushed peggy and blushed.

"oh shut up, pegs," eliza smirked, "i just really hate him."

"hey!" a voice shouted.

the group knew exactly who's voice it belonged to.

"speak of the devil and he shall appear." john mumbled.

james walked up towards the group and wrapped his arm around maria's waist. he smirked at the group and they cringed.

"why weren't you in mr. washington's class, sweet?" james asked maria in a fake tone.

"um...i was--" maria was cut off by eliza.

"the principal asked us to do something for her so that's why." eliza stated.

"what did she ask?" james asked eliza.

"that's none of your business, reynolds." eliza replied with a serious expression.

james and eliza had an intense staring contest until james groaned loudly.

"well," james started, "me and maria has some business to do. good day, everyone."

james pulled maria along with him towards the front gate of the school. maria turned her head around to face the group but soon turned back around. eliza couldn't help but watch her go.

"something's gonna happen to her." alex sighed.

"believe me, i know." eliza pouted.


as soon as eliza got home, she ran into her room. she jumped on her bed face down. after a few minutes, peggy and angelica were at her doorframe. angelica leaned on one side of the frame while peggy stood there.

"you ok, liza?" peggy asked.

"i just had my first kiss in a janitor's closet." eliza mumbled.

it was a bit muffled but angelica and peggy understood everything. they hurriedly ran towards eliza's bed.

"really?" angelica gasped.

"yea." eliza sighed.

"how was it?" peggy asked.

eliza flipped over so she was now on her back. she sighed heavily then smiled.

"amazing." eliza gushed.

"i bet." angelica chuckled.

"did you guys use tongue or some shit?" peggy laughed.

eliza playfully hit peggy's shoulder and laughed along with her.

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