detention (s/marliza)

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eliza frowned as she held the pink slip that indicated that she had detention. she sighed and put it in her pocket. she was in the lunchroom waiting for her friends to come. she got the pink slip because she was accused of bullying this preppy girl in class and eliza being the shy bean she is didn't try to speak up for herself. the teacher who assigned her detention was none other than ms. reynolds. she was the social studies teacher at the university they all went to. the stare that eliza received from her when she was mad made eliza's heart stop. after class ended, she called eliza over and gave her the slip without speaking to her. as eliza was lost in thought, she felt the table shift. she looked up to see all her friends plus sisters were beginning to sit down.

"and then i told her to fuck herself." alex smiled as he finished telling lafayette a story.

"mon ami, will you ever stay out of trouble?" lafayette asked as he sat down.

"fuck no, frenchie." alex laughed.

"heya liza." john greeted as he sat down next to alex.

"hey." eliza muttered.

everyone paused. eliza was usually cheerful when seeing her friends but now she was all distant.

"what's up with you, liza?" peggy asked as she bit into her burger.

"i got detention after school today." eliza sighed.

alex choked on his drink, "what?"

"you out of everybody has detention?" hercules asked amused.

eliza nodded.

"who'd you get detention from?" angelica asked as she ate her salad.

"ms. reynolds." eliza replied.

"damn." john shuddered.

"what?" eliza asked.

"ms. reynolds has to be the most sexiest but scariest teacher here." john explained, "i had detention for her once and lemme tell you. if looks could kill, i would've dropped dead as soon as i set foot into that classroom."

"especially when she's really mad." peggy added, "definitely don't wanna get that detention."

"what makes her really mad?" lafayette asked.

"talking during her lessons or the worst mad is when you get called out for bullying someone in class." peggy replied.

"oh god i'm fucked." eliza trembled.

"did you talk during her lesson?" john asked.

"i got accused of bullying this preppy girl and i didn't have time to try to defend myself." eliza muttered.

peggy burst out laughing, "oh man. you're as good as dead now, liza."

"peggy that's not helping." angelica scolded.

"you have at least 4 more hours until your detention so you could prepare yourself." hercules told me.

'i'm screwed' eliza thought to herself


it was now the end of the day at the university. eliza's heart raced as she began to pack up for detention. she walked out the classroom to be greeted to her friends. eliza was confused.

"why are you guys here?" eliza asked.

"we're the demon angels from hell to send you to satan." peggy smirked.

"in other words," angelica started, "we're walking with you to ms. reynolds class."

eliza sighed in relief. even though her friends could be annoying and rude sometimes, they still cared about each other, they were always there to comfort another friend in need. since they all knew that this was eliza's first detention, they also knew that she would be scared out of her mind. as they walked down the halls, alex told eliza the story he told laf. the story was that the teacher called alex out for being to precise with the lecture he gave in class. as always, he told her to fuck herself. when they reached ms. reynolds classroom, ms. reynolds was waiting outside her door. she was tapping away on her phone. she looked up and saw them. she frowned as they walked closer.

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