i love you too much to fail you, okay? (f/jasippa)

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[ requested by hamiltonlover9 (prompt: "i'm not leaving this booth until i win that stupid stuffed animal you want...no i don't care how much money it takes!") i love you for picking this :) ]

the whole hamilton cast were out at the fair. it's been at least a good two years since they all last hung out all together. lin texted the groupchat to invite them to the fair. some thought it was a weird place to see each other but they went regardless. phillipa and jasmine came together and it raised a couple of eyebrows from the cast. especially when they came in hand and hand. phillipa blushed while jasmine smiled. renee was the first to speak.

"y'all dating now?" renee asked.

"yes." phillipa sighed.

"ha! i knew it!" anthony cheered, "pay up, daveed!"

daveed sighed and handed anthony 20 dollars. anthony threw his fist in the air triumphantly. renee started bombarding them with questions as they walked around the fairgrounds. jasmine was happy to talk about them dating but phillipa was more quiet about it. renee gasped aloud which caused the whole group to turn around towards them.

"you okay, nae nae?" lin asked.

"yeah." renee smiled.

jasmine shook her head, "she's just shook, that's all."

"alright," daveed shrugged, "where should we go to first?"

"i was thinking..." oak started.

"oh no. that's never good." anthony mumbled.

"shut up man," oak laughed, "let's go to the booths first."

"you mean the ones they rig all the time?" renee asked.

"yeah those." oak nodded.

"i'm down." daveed shrugged.

"alrighty then," lin clapped, "to the booths!"

the first booth the cast headed to was the goldfish one. you know, the one where you have a fishing pole and you try to catch the rubber goldfish with the star on it. oak, daveed and anthony wanted to try it out first. they earned alot of weird stares from people because it's three grown men playing a kiddie game. they obviously didn't care though. anthony won that booth right away. daveed chucked his fishing pole onto the ground.

"that's bull!" daveed grumbled.

"it's victory!" anthony smiled.

"whatever, let's just go to the next one." daveed sighed.

the next booth they went to was a popping balloon one. you know, the one were they throw needles at balloons on a wall and if they get all three balloons popped on the first try, you win a giant stuffed animal. anthony and lin played this one. jasmine laughed when she saw lin lose to anthony on the first try. lin obviously didn't want to lose so he paid for the next round which anthony won again. they were going to be at that for a while. jasmine noticed that phillipa was quiet. she looked next to her to see phillipa looking at a giant stuffed beagle. jasmine couldn't help but smile at the look in phillipa's eyes when she stared at it.

"hey pips, what'cha looking at?" jasmine asked.

phillipa looked back at jasmine, "oh...it was nothing."

jasmine raised an eyebrow, "you sure because it looked like you were looking at that giant beagle up there for a while."

phillipa blushed, "it just looked cute. that's all."

jasmine nodded, "bet."

jasmine pulled phillipa with her up to the booth were lin was losing drastically to anthony. jasmine tapped lin's shoulder. lin looked back at her and smiled.

"what's up, jasmine?" lin asked.

"heya lin, i wanna play up against ant next." jasmine stated.

"good because i was getting stressed out." lin laughed, "i'll pay for your first round."

jasmine nodded and stood where lin was standing. lin paid the worker and the worker handed jasmine three needles. anthony laughed in which jasmine raised an eyebrow to.

"you ready to lose, cephas?" anthony teased.

"to you? don't make me laugh." jasmine smirked.

jasmine felt a pull on her sleeve and looked to see phillipa looking at her.

"what are you doing?" phillipa asked.

"playing a game?" jasmine answered.

phillipa rolled her eyes, "i know that, dumbass. i mean why are you playing?"

jasmine booped phillipa's nose, "because i wanna get you that stuffed animal."

phillipa was going to say something else but was cut off by the worker asking if they were ready. jasmine and anthony nodded. anthony was first to hit all three balloons and yelled in excitement when he won. jasmine grumbled and placed money on the counter for another round to which she also lost to. after a few other rounds, jasmine was about to pull out another 10 dollars until phillipa stopped her hand.

"jasmine stop. i don't need it." phillipa told her.

"i'm not leaving this booth until i win that stupid stuffed animal you want." jasmine stated.

"but it cost so much--"

jasmine stopped her, "no, i don't care how much money it takes!"

phillipa let go of her hand. jasmine placed the 10 on the table and looked towards anthony.

"last round, ramos. i'm getting that beagle." jasmine grumbled.

anthony nodded because the expression jasmine was making was scaring the hell out of him. as soon as he nodded, jasmine threw all three needles toward the wall of balloons and popped three of them. anthony's jaw dropped as jasmine threw her fist up in victory. the worker handed her the giant beagle. jasmine walked over to phillipa and handed it to her. phillipa blushed when jasmine kissed her cheek.

"you didn't have to get it for me, jazzy." phillipa smiled.

jasmine laughed, "i know but i love you too much to fail you, okay?" jasmine laughed.

phillipa shook her head and grabbed jasmine's hand.

"thank you, jasmine." phillipa blushed.

"you're quite welcome, pips." jasmine smiled.

"jasmine, you're scarier then mama ren when competitive." anthony laughed.

"i get it from her, ant." jasmine laughed.

"damn straight!" renee laughed.

[i had fun writing this. it helped my massive headache.]

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