zoom meeting (f/jassipa)

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"ok, bailey and james," jasmine started, "imma need y'all to be quiet ok?"

"why?" james asked.

"me and mommy have to go to a meeting and it's super secret so you gotta be quiet." jasmine answered, "can you do that for me and mommy?"

they nodded and headed to the living room to play with their toys. jasmine smiled and headed up to the bedroom where phillipa was putting on a shirt. it was one of jasmine's sweaters. jasmine smiled and walked up behind her. she wrapped her arms around phillipa's torso and kissed her neck lovingly.

"you look good in y sweater, babe." jasmine teased.

phillipa rolled her eyes and laughed, "i know. it's one of my favorites. where are the kids?"

"they're playing downstairs in the living room. i told them we have a super secret meeting to attend which should be starting soon." jasmine explained.

"are you sure there won't be any complications with those two?" phillipa asked.

jasmine shrugged, "i mean i sure hope not because then they won't go see uncle ant later on today."

"ant's gonna get them today?"

jasmine nodded, "yep because we have some catching up to do, missy."

phillipa checked her phone and sighed, "it's time for the meeting. let's go."

phillipa kissed jasmine's cheek and walked into the office in her room. jasmine walked into the one in the big office in the other room. she typed her password in and headed to the zoom meeting. they were all going to reunite with renee for an interview. as much as jasmine missed renee, she wanted to be with her wife. she typed in the code and only renee was there.

"'sup sis." jasmine smiled.

renee looked up at the camera and smiled, "hello jasmine! how are you?"

jasmine smiled, "i'm doing great, nae. what about you?"

"i'm doing better than before. i miss you guys!" renee laughed.

"we miss you too." 

just then phillipa popped up. she was talking but she was muted.

"babe, you're muted." jasmine giggled.

phillipa glared at her through the screen, "i knew that."

jasmine raised her eyebrow, "you sure because if i'm not wrong, i heard you cussing out your computer not too long ago."

"shut up."


"so when did you and jasmine get married if you don't mind me asking?" the interviewer asked phillipa

phillipa smiled, "it was in october. she proposed to me at my final show. it was cliché but so worth it."

"it was not cliché! it was heartwarming and it took a lot of courage." jasmine pouted.

"they never stop arguing about it." renee smirked.

"do you two have any kids?" the interviewer asked.

"yes. we adopted two lovely children. bailey and james." jasmine answered.

"that's so sweet. now to you renee, how has life been after your leaving of the show?"

"it's been better. my children are already becoming someone in life and my husband is just as caring as always." renee smiled.

"do you three have a groupchat where you pick on everybody?"

"nah. we all just do that to each other." jasmine laughed, "it's a group effort."

"momma! bailey hit me!" james yelled from the living room.

jasmine sighed and excused herself. she walked to the living room to see tears falling from james' eyes and bailey sitting on the couch glaring at him. 

"bailey, did you hit james?" jasmine asked.

"no." bailey replied, "he hit me first."

"well if he did, why didn't you tell me?"

"because you and mommy are in a super secret meeting. i didn't want to interrupt." bailey sighed.

jasmine sighed, "ok. you two be nice and please don't try anything ok?"

they nodded. jasmine walked back into the room and sat in the chair. she unmuted herself.

"is everything alright?" renee asked.

"yeah. it's just their usual sibling rivilary." jasmine responded.

"well let's continue then." the interviewer smiled.


"so you guys just continued to fight each other after i said play nice?" jasmine sighed as she pressed her fingers on her temples.

bailey looked down, "sorry momma. james was bothering me. i just wanted to look at my little pony."

"james, why were you bothering bailey in the first place?" jasmine asked james.

james pouted and looked away from jasmine, "because she didn't wanna play with me. i asked her nicely and she said no."

"this is so stupid you two." jasmine rolled her eyes, "you guys got along before so why not now?"

phillipa walked downstairs to see jasmine lecturing them. she sighed and grabbed jasmine's hand. 

"they're gonna have some issues, jazzy. you know that right?" phillipa smiled.

jasmine sighed, "yeah but like...i don't want them to fight everytime though."

"i know, bubs but you can't change that. just let them be." phillipa smiled as she patted jasmine's head.

"is the super secret meeting over, momma?" james asked.

"yeah but me and mommy have a super duper secret meeting in the bedroom tonight so make sure you guys are occupied." jasmine told them.

"how come mommy is always screaming when you guys have the meeting?" bailey asked.

"because the meetings are always fun. anyways, you guys need to get ready because uncle ant is coming over to get you two." phillipa answered as she rushed them upstairs. 

bailey and james went upstairs to their rooms while jasmine and phillipa stayed downstairs.

"soundproof the bedroom?" jasmine asked.

"soundproof the bedroom." phillipa nodded.

[haven't written a new chapter in days. my fault. i was enjoying little nightmares too much. anyways, enjoy.]

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