freeze your brain (f/a/marliza)

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this was written by MysticThugaboo so i take no credit for this story. hope you enjoy!

A/N: Heathers AU

Eliza sighed, shaking her head as she entered the 7Eleven. "BBQ corn nuts," she repeated to herself over and over. "I don't know who's gonna eat this crap."

"Me neither," a voice said as Eliza jumped. "Greats and salutations, I'm Maria." Eliza raised her eyebrows when she noticed the girl standing in front of her was the same girl from the cafeteria.

"I'm Eliza Schuyler," She responded. "And you know," Eliza began as she kept walking with a smirk. "That thing you pulled in the cafeteria, fighting Laf and Herc, was pretty scandalous."

"I guess." Maria shrugged, taking a sip of her slushie.

"So what's a cute girl like you doing in Sherwood?" Eliza asked, pouring a blue raspberry slushie for herself.

"I'm always on the move because of my dad's job." Maria leaned against the counter. "Different town, different school, same ol' 7Eleven."

"Why do you say that?" Eliza took a sip.

"Because it's true," Maria responded. "No matter where I go, I'm always at home here."

"At a gas station?" Eliza raised her eyebrows.

"Well, yeah. I mean I can't call any place home if I'm always moving around the country." Maria walked up and down the aisles as Eliza followed like a helpless puppy. "I soon discovered in my freshman year is that there is always gonna be 7Eleven if you look hard enough."

"Wow," Eliza smiled. "That's clever." Maria turned to her at the sudden perky tone of voice. "Sorry, I just love backstories.

"Noted," Maria went on. "I mean it's probably best if you just forget I'm even here."


"I'm basically gonna be gone in six weeks." Maria picked up a bag of Sour Patch.

Eliza slipped Maria's trench coat on as it had the scent of a cherry slushie. She looked over at the program from her sister's funeral.

"C'mon, just give her the mixture," Maria chuckled, sliding the drink to Eliza. "It'll be funny, come on!" Eliza sighed, picking up the cup full of drain cleaner. Maria winced, looking at the right drink which remained on the counter as Eliza walked up the stairs.

"What?" Eliza asked.

"Nothing," Maria shrugged as Eliza continued up the stairs.

"Oh fuck." the curly-headed brunette muttered.

"Hey, sis," Eliza smiled as Angelica woke up.

"Elizabeth and Jesse James," the girl in pink yawned, "Quelle surprise." Eliza handed the Starbucks cup to Angelica.

"What's this?" She asked.

"We made you my grandmother's hangover cure," Maria smiled boldly.

"I'm not drinking anything you made, Lewis." Angelica glared.

"C'mon, Eliza, your sister's just a chicken." Maria snatched the cup from Angelica and began to walk away.

"Just because you called me a chicken, doesn't mean I'm gonna drink it, that's childish." Angelica took a long sip of the cup and handed it back to Maria. She choked as she held onto her throat. She fell on the glass table as it broke with a clatter.

Eliza winced as she got up and walked the distance to 7Eleven. Maybe a slushie would help calm her nerves.

Eliza ran up to Maria, who was covered in bruises. "Are you okay?!" Eliza exclaimed, cupping Maria's cheek

"I'm fine," Maria whispered. She dried Eliza's tears. "But they're gonna pay." Maria looked over at Lafayette and Herc, who were more than happy about the fight they won.

Tears filled Maria's eyes as Eliza turned to her. "Are you okay?"

"You changed me, Liz," Maria smiled. "I was a frozen lake of emotions that you melted away." She kissed Eliza's lips. "You're my world." She bit her lip with a smirk. "C'mon, I have an idea."

Eliza called Lafayette and Herc as she twirled the phone cable around her finger. "Hey!~" She said, trying not to laugh. "I was wondering if you two would meet me at the cemetery before dawn~" She heard some whispering on the line.

"I'm the only one who can go~" Maria snickered as Eliza hit Maria with a pillow. There was more whispering.

"See you then." Eliza hung up as she began laughing.

"Is this your first time?" Maria asked, shocked. "That falsetto voice was on point!" She gave Eliza a high five. "Now how 'bout our suicide note?" Eliza handed it to Maria. "Damn, you're just as experienced as I am, Bonnie." Eliza rolled my eyes playfully at the nickname.

"Sure thing, Clyde." Eliza rolled off the bed as she stood up. She noticed the bullets and guns on Maria's desk. "Are those real?"

"Okay, do you take German?" Maria asked.


"Okay, those are Ich Lüge bullets, and the Nazis used them in World War II to fake their own deaths. We use these on Lafayette and Herc, we make it seem like they're gay, and they become the laughingstocks of the school."

The duo walked into the cemetery with a gun in their back pockets. Eliza gulped. "You know you don't have to do this." Maria noticed Eliza's uneasiness.

"No, I do." Eliza heard Lafayette and Herc. "You gotta go." Maria ran behind a tree. Eliza smirked. "So.... are we gonna count to three?"






She stared in shock as their bodies fell onto the floor. Maria stared at Eliza as she placed the note on the floor. Eliza didn't say a word as she ran towards the entrance. She took a quick glance behind her to make sure no one was behind her. The deafening bang still rang in her ears. "I just did that," She whispered.

Eliza filled her slushie cup as she remembered her girlfriend Maria. Tears filled her eyes as she walked to the cemetery and found Maria's tombstone. She sat down in front of it and took a long sip of her slushie as it helped to numb the pain of her broken heart.

Maria was gone and there was nothing she could do about it. Eliza sobbed loudly as she kept drinking the slushie to silence her cries. Freeze your brain. She whispered to herself. 

i wanna thank MysticThugaboo again for their help in this oneshot. also thank you for offering your assistance on helping me with oneshots.

[also if there was a glitch, i'm sorry.]

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