that...doesn't make any sense (f/marliza)

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eliza groaned loudly, "maria."

"what?" maria asked as she typed on her computer.

they were in their college dorms. school was cancelled because someone did something stupid in the dorm bathrooms. eliza was laying upside down on her bed while maria was finishing up an essay on her bed.

"i'm bored." eliza whined.

"eat an apple, sweetie." maria replied with a smile.

"i'm not hungry, you bitch." eliza groaned and sat up.

eliza walked over to maria's side of the room and pushed her laptop aside. maria was about to say something until eliza straddled her lap. eliza wrapped her arms around maria's neck and kissed her. while they were kissing, maria snaked her arms around eliza. they broke apart after a few minutes.

"and why did you do that?" maria asked, "not that i'm complaining."

"because you looked so cute over here." eliza smiled.

"mhm, sure." maria rolled her eyes, "i love you eliza but i really need to finish this essay."

eliza got off maria's lap and laid down next to her. maria grabbed her laptop and began typing again. eliza couldn't help but read what maria was typing about. after a few minutes, eliza spoke up.

"that...doesn't make any sense." eliza said as she pointed at the screen.

maria looked at her and back at the laptop, "what doesn't?"

"here you wrote 'i wouldn't like to see how those things turned out' when it's suppose to be 'i would not have like to see how those things would've turned out'." eliza explained.

maria looked at eliza as eliza turned to look at her. they had a brief staring contest until maria laughed out loud.

"god, i hate you so much right now." maria wheezed.

"no you don't." eliza pouted.

-just a short one to prepare you for my next one-

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