first day of school (f/jasippa)

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[bailey and james made a comeback u little beautiful fuckers.]

"bailey come on!" phillipa groaned.

"no!" bailey shouted.

"bailey, get up and get dressed right now!" phillipa yelled.

"no!" bailey shouted, "i don't wanna go to school!"

"it's the first day!" phillipa sighed, "you don't even know if you'll like it or not!"

"yes i do!" bailey shouted.

jasmine buttoned up james shirt and helped him put on his pants. james kicked his feet as he watched jasmine pick a pair of shoes for him. then, they both jumped when they heard phillipa scream in stress and a door slam. jasmine sighed and helped james put on his shoes. 

"why bailey and mommy screaming at each other?" james asked.

"because your sister mad mommy mad because she doesn't want to go to school." jasmine responded.

james gasped, "but school is fun!" 

jasmine giggled, "yeah i know but bailey doesn't think the same as you. okay? i already made some breakfast for you so go downstairs and eat, 'kay?"

"yes momma." james nodded and headed downstairs.

at least he's obedient jasmine thought to herself. jasmine walked out of james' room and walked inside bailey's room. bailey was laying down with a pillow in her face. jasmine chuckled to herself and walked over to bailey's bed. bailey felt the bed shift and looked up to see jasmine. 

"hey bailey." jasmine greeted.

"hey momma." bailey spoke.

"why were you arguing with mommy?" jasmine asked.

bailey sighed, "because i didn't get up and get dressed so she got mad and we started screaming at each other."

bailey was crying now. bailey was kind of sensitive so this got to her. jasmine sighed and grabbed bailey's left hand.

"did you ever think how mommy would feel that you didn't get up when you were asked to?" jasmine asked.

bailey sniffed, "no. i didn't."

jasmine nodded, "okay. well, get dressed and eat at the table. i'll go get mommy so you can apologize, 'kay?" 

bailey nodded and grabbed the clothes phillipa had out for her. jasmine walked out the room towards their shared room. jasmine knocked on the door and heard a quiet "come in" from behind it. jasmine walked in to see phillipa sitting at the end of their bed with her head in her knees. jasmine closed the door and walked towards phillipa. she sat down next to her and phillipa immediately scooted closer to jasmine.  

"does bailey hate me, jas?" phillipa asked.

"no, she absolutely doesn't." jasmine responded, "i just got done talking to her. she started crying after she told me what happen. you know how she gets when she thinks she caused the problem."

phillipa sighed, "okay. just wanted to make sure she still loves me."

jasmine rolled her eyes, "we're her parents, love. if bailey or james say they don't love us, the world is ending."

phillipa laughed, "shall we go downstairs?"

jasmine got up and held out her hand, "we shall."

they walked downstairs and as soon as they walked into the living area, bailey ran to phillipa and hugged her. phillipa hugged back just as tight. 

"i'm sorry, mommy." bailey told phillipa.

"it's okay, baby. i forgive you." phillipa smiled. 

"now that whole drama is over, y'all ready for school?" jasmine asked.

"yes!" bailey and james shouted. 

[wow three updates in one night (where i live it's nighty night)? that's a record.]

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