w-what are you d-doing? (s/marliza)

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saying that ms. reynolds had a crush on the sweetest teacher in the school, mrs. schuyler, is an understatement. she really loves mrs, schuyler although mrs. schuyler is married to the infamous alexander hamilton. hamilton was a bitch in ms. reynolds' eyes. she absolutely despised him. ms. reynold's was sitting at her desk afterschool working on some papers. she let her hair down from her messy bun and sighed. then, she heard a knock on her door. she looked over to see mrs. schuyler at the doorway, smiling. 

"you can come in." ms. reynolds smiled.

"thank you, ms. reynolds." mrs. schuyler greeted as she walked towards her desk.

"you can call me maria, mrs. schuyler." maria told her as she moved her papers into folders.

"then you can call me eliza, maria." eliza laughed.

"did you need anything?" maria asked eliza.

"i was wondering if you could come over and help me with grading some papers." eliza looked at maria hopefully.

"sure, when would you like me over?" maria asked.

"um if you don't mind," eliza blushed and pushed up her glasses, "can you come over like right now? i'm about to head home before alex's departure and i want to get started as soon as possible."

maria smiled, "of course. i'm able to go right now. i'll bring my papers also."

eliza smiled and nodded. she already had her stacks of paper in her arms along with her purse on her shoulder. maria gathered all her folders with papers along with her purse and headed out the classroom. she locked it and walked alongside eliza as they headed towards the school doors. 

"if you don't mind me asking," maria started, "why is alex leaving?"

"it's his business trip that he has to go on for the company he works at." eliza explained, "he goes once every two months to some place to help in production sales for his line of work."

maria nodded at the explanation. she asked if she could ride with eliza because peggy left early. peggy was usually her ride to the school. eliza smiled as they got into the car. as she drove, they talked about work and other things. soon, they arrived at eliza's home. it was a one story house. they got inside and maria was immediately in awe. it might look small on the outside but it was absolutely unexpectingly beautiful on the inside. everything looked clean. 

"um, shoes on or off?" maria asked before stepping in any further.

"um you can take them off." eliza beamed.

once maria took her shoes off, they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. there stood alexander hamilton. he was wearing a black fancy suit and he looked rushed. eliza smiled at him when he came over. he gave her a side smiled and kissed her lips quickly.

"alright," alex started as he stared at his watch, "i gotta go but i'll be back in two months. love you!" 

"love you to--" the door slammed.

eliza sighed and looked down for a moment. maria patted her shoulder and eliza looked up immediately. she smiled at maria and fixed her glasses on her face.

"shall we get started with the grading?" eliza asked.

maria laughed, "we shall."


it was three hours later. eliza sat on the long couch with her legs on it and a laptop in her lap. she had some papers on the coffee table along with her coffee mug. maria sat in the recliner chair with her laptop. she had some of her papers along with eliza's also and a glass of water on the coffee table. eliza sighed heavily and rubbed her eyes. maria looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. she closed her laptop and walked over to eliza. she sat on the ground next to eliza. eliza looked down at maria. maria looked up and smiled.

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