that was the best sex i had in like...forever (f/jasippa)

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[request by hamiltonlover9 thanks for commenting. i'll try my best with this and i hope it turns out to be your liking!]

tw mentions of abuse

jasmine took a deep breath and walked inside the richard rogers theater. she got the part for a musical she auditioned for and was now arriving at the theater. she was nervous as hell but she went in. as soon as she walked in, she saw a whole bunch of people sitting around and talking. she felt kind of left out because of her lack of self-confidence. she was just getting out of a toxic relationship with her ex boyfriend. he always found a way to make her feel less of herself. she found out that he was cheating on her with several other girls. they broke up and he surprisingly handled it well. that didn't stop her overthinking about herself though. she walked up to a guy with a straight ponytail with a clipboard in his hand and cleared her throat. he looked over at her and smiled.

"hello hello hello!" he greeted, "my name's lin and i'm the writer of this musical. what's your name?"

"jasmine." jasmine responded.

"jasmine cephas jones?" lin asked as he check his clipboard.

"yes sir." jasmine nodded.

"you don't have to be so formal around me, jasmine." lin smiled, "ok. you auditioned for the part of peggy schuyler but since we're short on people, you're gonna have to do two people. is that okay?"

jasmine nodded, "so who's the other person?"

"maria reynolds." lin stated, "ok. i have you all signed in now you just need to go over to tommy over there for the script. he's the guy with the dark curly hair."

jasmine nodded and walked over to grab her script. he smiled at her and handed it to her.

"there's two other people who are your 'sisters'." tommy told jasmine, "they're over there."

tommy pointed at two ladies who were currently talking amongst themselves. she thanked tommy and walked over to the ladies. she held her script tightly as she approached them. the ladies saw her and smiled.

"hi. you can sit down next to us." one of them said.

"thank you." jasmine sighed, "what's your name?"

"my name's renee." she greeted.

"my name's phillipa." the other lad spoke.

"i'm jasmine." jasmine smiled, "so what parts are you two doing?"

"i only play one part: angelica schuyler." renee replied.

"i play one part also: eliza schuyler." phillipa smiled, "what part do you play?"

"i play two parts: peggy schuyler and maria reynolds." jasmine answered.

"i could never." phillipa mumbled.

"i'm pretty sure you could." jasmine smiled.

jasmine noticed the blush that appeared on phillipa's face after the statement but she brushed it off. jasmine wouldn't admit but she thought phillipa was really pretty...and pretty cute. jasmine pretty much gave up on men after her toxic ex. she didn't think all men were like that though. she just decided not to be fond of them anymore. renee's phone dinged and she pulled it out to read the message. she sighed and laughed a little to herself.

"what's up?" phillipa asked.

"nothing bad." renee answered, "my husband just sent me a picture of my two kids beating him up with a pillow."

"awh that's so cute." phillipa smiled.

"you gals got anybody?" renee asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"nope, just got out of a relationship." jasmine answered, "i'm happy that i did because he was starting to get to much for me."

"what do you mean, if you don't mind me asking?" renee asked.

"just being toxic." jasmine admitted, "threatening me, cheating on me and on a couple of occasions, he would throw a punch or two."

renee widened her eyes, "oh i'm so happy that you're okay now."

"i am, too." jasmine smiled.

"what about you, phillipa?" renee asked.

"i have someone. his name is rich." phillipa smiled.

"i hope he treats you well." renee smiled.

"yeah, he does." phillipa beamed.

although the thought of phillipa having a boyfriend made her upset, she saw that the smile phillipa had on her face like, she wasn't satisfied or she was lying. jasmine didn't question it though. jasmine was about to say something but lin spoke before her first.

"alrighty folks," lin shouted, "now that the cast is here, let's get started."


"that's a wrap, guys!" lin smiled, "come back next week monday to get the music added."

jasmine smiled and grabbed her script. the rehearsal turned out great in her eyes. she got to meet some other people and make new friends. she saw phillipa was rapidly typing on her phone. she looked frustrated and sad. jasmine wanted to ask what was wrong but she didn't want to seem nosey. she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to be greeted with anthony, oak and daveed.

"what's up, guys?" jasmine asked.

"nothing much." anthony shrugged, "there's a party going on at my friend's house and we just wanted to know if you wanted to go."

jasmine nodded, "yeah sure. i haven't been to a party in like ages."

"what?" oak gasped, "we're changing that then."

jasmine laughed, "ok whatever."

"yo, pips!" daveed shouted.

phillipa looked up from her phone at them, "what?"

"you wanna go to the party?" daveed asked.

"um...yeah. i'll be there." phillipa smiled.

jasmine smiled at herself at the thought of phillipa being there. they all traded numbers as to catch up with each other and to just talk. anthony said he was going to pick up jasmine and phillipa. jasmine nodded and phillipa just hummed in agree. 


jasmine checked her bag again just to make sure she had everything. she had her hair up in a bun and she wore a white baggy shirt with black skinny jeans. she had white adidas for footwear. her phone dinged.


hey i'm outside.

ok cool! lemme just grab my jacket


jasmine grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. she walked towards anthony's car and got in. daveed was in the front while phillipa was in the back. phillipa was wearing a black short sleeved shirt with white shorts and black adidas. phillipa smiled and then laughed when she saw jasmine. jasmine looked confused.

"what? is there something on me?" jasmine asked.

"no." phillipa laughed, "it's just that we're matching but like opposites." 

jasmine looked down at her outfit and smiled, "i guess we are."

"y'all ready?" anthony asked.

jasmine and phillipa nodded.

"let's go!" 

[i hope it's okay. i'm putting this in two parts because i hate having stories with a thousand words because i lose my train of thought for some reason. there will be a part too WITH the smut scene]

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