he's a bitch, pip, just admit it (f/jasippa)

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[this lowkey came to me during biology]

"i'm just saying," jasmine sighed, "some people don't look good in bucket hats."

"i totally disagree with you." anthony countered.

jasmine scoffed, "of course you do."

"i mean some people can actually pull it off with a bag over their head." daveed shrugged.

jasmine laughed, "i know, right?"

"nah ya'll just don't know true fashion." anthony shook his head.

"says the guy wearing a hoodie with dark jeans in 80 degree weather." renee laughed.

they all shared a laugh while anthony shook his head. they were all in the green room having arguments about fashion. renee fixed some tea for them to drink while they talked. it was just jasmine, daveed, anthony and renee in the green room. the rest of the cast were either not here yet or just in their dressing rooms. jasmine was about to say something when she saw phillipa walk by the green room with a solemn look on her face. usually, phillipa always stopped by to the green room to talk and have tea. so when she noticed that she just walked by with out a glance, she gave renee a look. renee also saw phillipa walk by and nodded. 

"alright boys," renee started, "it was fun to have this argument but we have to take our leave."

"yeah yeah." anthony rolled his eyes.

renee and jasmine began to head to the door.

"we will continue this argument later." jasmine stated as they left the room. 

renee and jasmine began to walk to their shared dressing room. it was long ways from the green room but worth the walk. just as they reached the dressing room, they heard phillipa crying behind the door. they looked at each other before jasmine knocked on the door.

"w-who is it?" phillipa asked with a broken voice.

"it's nae nae and jazzy, pips." jasmine replied.

"just you two?" phillipa asked.

renee sighed, "just us, pippa."

it was silent for a moment until they heard phillipa walking to the door. when she opened it they gasped slightly. phillipa's eyes were red and puffy from crying so all morning. they immediately hugged phillipa and walked into the room, closing the door behind them. phillipa sat on the couch next to renee while jasmine grabbed one of her blankets from her bag. she handed it to phillipa who wrapped it around her self. jasmine sat down next to phillipa. they let her quietly sob for some time before asking her anything. they acted like sisters onstage and backstage. jasmine grabbed phillipa's hand while renee grabbed the other.

"you ready to talk about it?" renee asked.

"i guess." phillipa answered.

"so what happened?" jasmine asked.

"it all happened this morning," phillipa started, "i was just laying down on the sofa reading a book that lin bought me. mike came out the bathroom and immediately started yelling at me. he got mad because i forgot to do the laundry. i tried to tell him that i was too tired last night from cleaning the entire house but he wouldn't listen to me. he started telling me that i was useless and a waste of his time."

renee mumbled, "what an asshole."

jasmine squeezed phillipa's hand, "i'm sorry that happened to you, pips."

phillipa shook her head, "no. it's okay. i deserved it."

renee and jasmine looked at her like she had two heads.

"what do you mean you 'deserved' it?" renee asked.

"it's my fault for not cleaning up like i was told." phillipa answered.

"yeah but that's not you responsibility," jasmine stated, "it's also his."

"but he said 'it's a woman's job'." phillipa spoke.

"imma kill a bitch today." renee mumbled as she walked out the door.

"he's not that bad once you get to know him." phillipa told jasmine.

"pips," jasmine started, "why are you defending him?"

"i'm not." phillipa spoke.

"he's a bitch, pip, just admit it." jasmine groaned. 

phillipa sighed, "you're right."

"believe me, i know." jasmine smiled, "now, let's go."

"oh," phillipa stood up, "are we going to stop renee?"

"renee, i'm not sure you bringing a fucking metal bat is a good idea." they heard daveed say.

"nah, daveed can handle it." jasmine smiled.

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