am i not enough for you, jasmine?! (a/jasippa)

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[yall probs gonna hate me for this but i had to. i'm sorry in advance]

jasmine angrily walked upstairs and grabbed a suitcase. phillipa was following in tow behind her. bailey and james were standing behind the door, watching from afar as their mothers began to fight.

"why were you with her, jasmine?" phillipa asked angrily.

"i told you to butt the fuck out!" jasmine shouted, "we were just talking!"

phillipa scoffed, "yeah. talking. more like kissing and sleeping with her!"

jasmine huffed and stuffed some clothes in the suitcase. she zipped it up and stood. she was about to walk out but phillipa blocked the way. 

jasmine sighed, "move phillipa."

"no." phillipa huffed, "you're not leaving until you fucking explain, jasmine."

"i already did!" jasmine yelled, "what part of 'we were just talking' did you not understand?!"

"you were lying and still are!" phillipa shouted, "you kissed and slept with her! on our bed for fuck's sake, jasmine!"

jasmine growled and moved phillipa out the way. she ran down the stairs and walked to the front door. bailey and james ran behind her. bailey was close to tears while james was full blown crying. 

"momma, please don't leave." bailey cried.

jasmine sighed, "i have to, bails."

"b-but m-mommy will be sad. i will be sad, momma!" james cried. 

jasmine was about to say something until she saw phillipa walk down the stairs. she also was crying. her tears were full of guilt, betrayal, anger and sadness. jasmine saw that and frowned. she grabbed the doorknob and began to turn it.

"am i not enough for you, jasmine?!" phillipa yelled.

jasmine froze and turned around to face her. bailey was now crying and hugging a crying james. phillipa looked at her. she felt angry with jasmine but she knew she couldn't let her walk out. jasmine could see that. 

jasmine sighed, "you are enough, i promise."

"then why did you do what you did?" phillipa asked in a broken voice.

"i don't know," jasmine muttered.

"momma, please don't go." james cried, "please."

jasmine sighed and looked at the kids, "be strong for me ok? treat your mommy right, alright?"

phillipa eyes widened, "jasmine..."

jasmine opened the door and looked back at them for one last time. she smiled.

"momma please..." bailey cried.

"i love you, 'kay?" jasmine smiled.

bailey and james nodded. jasmine smiled again and then closed the door behind her as she left. phillipa could've stopped her but she didn't. when she saw jasmine leave, she broke.

[so again...i'm sorry]

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