coming home (f/jasippa)

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jasmine was in the army for some time and now she can finally come back home. jasmine was so devastated when she couldn't be there for bailey and james on their birthdays. she couldn't even be there for her wife, phillipa, when she was struggling to keep herself together but when she got the news that she can go back, she was excited as ever. phillipa was still acting in hamilton with the rest of the original cast. jasmine only told the cast about her coming home and they were also excited as ever. she begged them not to tell phillipa and if she asked, tell her a whole other date. jasmine grabbed her suitcases and boarded the plane.

phillipa sighed as she put on her makeup. renee walked in and stood next to her.

"you alright, pips?" renee asked.

phillipa sighed, "no. i just really miss jasmine. bailey and james broke down worst than ever before last night and i felt so bad. i'm really trying but i just can't."

renee rubbed her back and smiled, "you're doing great, ok? are bailey and james coming?"

phillipa nodded, "yeah my cousin is bringing them. did jasmine tell you when she's coming home?"

"she said some time next week." renee lied.

phillipa nodded and sighed, "ok. i think i can handle another week by myself. we better get going for the show."

renee nodded, "i'll be out there soon. i gotta make sure my husband is still in one piece."

phillipa smiled and walked out. renee made sure she left completely before she pulled out her phone to text jasmine.

renee: where are you right now?

jasmine: i just got in a cab and i'm headed to the theater. where should i go so she doesn't see me?

renee: you mean where they might see you. bailey and james are also coming to tonight's show.

jasmine: oh i can't wait to hug them tight. but seriously, where the hell should i go?

renee: i'm going to let lin sneak you in and you can watch the show. afterwards, i'll let anthony sneak you backstage after the show so you can come upstage to see them. then boom! tears of joy.

jasmine: ok ok that works. i'm pulling up right now.

renee: i'll get lin

renee scurried off to lin and told him the plan. lin nodded and walked up to the front of the theater. she then told anthony also about the plan to which he nodded to. lin came back a few minutes later.

"is she in?" renee asked quietly.

lin nodded, "yeah. she's sitting way in the back so phillipa shouldn't see her."

renee nodded, "good. how about james and bailey? did they show up yet?"

"yeah." lin answered, "they're sitting up front somewhere with pip's cousin."

renee smiled, "it's all going great. i already told anthony what he should do after the show."

lin nodded, "we should hurry up and get in place."

they walked upstage. lin walked to his spot while renee walked up to the wings. she saw phillipa looking down so she walked over and patted her shoulder.

"you alright?" renee asked.

"i just wish she could come home sooner. that's all." phillipa admitted.

renee nodded as the tune to "alexander hamilton" started playing.


the show was a success, as always. phillipa put more emotion into her character so that was a good motivation for everyone else. phillipa saw bailey and james walk upstage and they ran to her and hugged her. 

"that was so good, mommy!" bailey smiled.

"thank you." phillipa smiled. 

"you sing like a goddess." james beamed.

"she really does." a voice added. 

it wasn't just any voice though. it was her wife's voice, jasmine. phillipa didn't turn around until she felt a tap on her shoulder. she turned to see jasmine standing there, smiling at her like she did on their wedding day. phillipa didn't know what to say so she just wrapped her arms tightly around jasmine's neck. jasmine hugged her from her torso. phillipa was crying as she felt jasmine hug her. jasmine sighed and breathed in her scent. phillipa didn't believe it was real but she knew it was. they pulled away so jasmine could hug their kids. they were also crying. they haven't seen their mamma in a couple of years. 

"you're finally home, mamma!" bailey cried.

"yes i am." jasmine smiled, "i missed all of you so very much."

"missed you too, mamma." james cried. 


the little family were all snuggled up on the couch. they were watching the little mermaid which was requested by phillipa and bailey. james and bailey were asleep between their parents and phillipa was sleeping on jasmine's shoulder. jasmine turned off the tv and stood up as quietly as possible. she grabbed james and took him to his room. she tucked him in and kissed his forehead. she walked back and grabbed bailey, took her to her room and tucked her in. bailey mumbled something but then went back to sleep. jasmine kissed her forehead also. she then picked up phillipa and took her to their shared room. she tucked her in bed and walked around to her side and got in. phillipa noticed and shuffled closer to jasmine.

"i'm happy you're back, baby." phillipa mumbled sleepily. 

"i'm happy i'm back." jasmine smiled.

phillipa tilted her head up and placed a few kisses on jasmine's lips. she smiled and put her head on her chest.

"you owe me a lot of makeup sex too." phillipa mumbled.

[aye. here ya go]

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