thank you so much, eliza (a/f/marliza)

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requested by lavender_aesthitic

"what?!" james shouted.

"james, sweetie, please listen." maria pleaded.

"no!" james yelled and stormed off into the kitchen.

when james went inside the kitchen, maria hurriedly ran inside the living room to her daughter, susan. susan smiled as she saw her mom but maria didn't return the smile. she grabbed susan and ran over to the closet near the tv. she opened it and placed susan inside.

"mommy, what are you doing?" susan asked in a worry tone.

"that doesn't matter but you'll be safe in here." maria replied, "whatever you do, don't come out. no matter what you hear from outside this closet door, don't. come. out. do you understand?" 

"yes mommy." susan nodded.

"ok, i love you." maria sighed.

"love you too, mommy." susan stated.

maria kissed her forehead and closed the doors. locking them also. it was for susan's safety for whatever james what about to do. she ran back into the dining room. as soon as she walked in, james came out the kitchen with a knife in his hand. maria's heart froze. james never got any objects out when the abuse came. she knew one thing though. she was either going to make this out losing something or losing her life. james stared at maria and watched as she stepped back when he came closer. maria stopped when her back was against the wall but james kept coming closer. james stopped in front of maria with the knife under her right eye.

"since you told on me," james smirked, "you deserve punishment."

"james please." maria pleaded with tears in her eye.

as soon as she said that, she felt the knife in her eye. she screamed on top of her lungs and cried out in agony as james continued shove the knife in her eye socket. the pain was unbearable. maria could only scream and hold onto james' arms tightly. james thrashed it around until her eye was completely out. maria sunk down to the floor holding her hand over her right eye socket. she saw her right eye on the floor and cried.  james looked down at her with pure hatred. he threw the knife off somewhere. 

"now," james started, "i want you and your daughter to get the hell out of my house."

maria shakily got up and tried her best to travel to the closet susan was in. she unlocked it and grabbed susan. susan looked at maria and frowned. it was dark but she saw something. she didn't say anything though. maria sat susan down on her bed when they got to their shared room and rummaged through her closet for a bag. susan kicked her feet and watched maria grab clothes. she shoved them as quickly as she could but it was almost impossible as the pain in her eye socket was unbearable. 

"mommy," susan began, "what are you doing?"

"i'm packing our stuff, sweetie." maria answered.

"why?" susan asked.

"because we're leaving." maria replied as she placed the last piece of clothing in the bag. 

"ok." susan said as she continued to kick her feet. 

maria zipped up the bag and placed it on her shoulder. she picked up susan and walked back downstairs. james was on the couch watching tv like nothing happened. maria covered her right eye socket with her hair as to not let susan see what it really looked like. maria grabbed her and susan's coat off the rack. she helped susan put hers on and put hers on also. they quietly opened the door and left out. it was chilly, snowing and dark outside. thank god james lived near the city so it was easier to see. as they began to walk, susan spoke up.

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