just put some pants on, eliza (f/marliza)

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[been a while since i wrote some marliza but here you go]

eliza and maria were laying on eliza's bed. her sisters and parents were out eating dinner while she laid in bed sick. maria came over before her parents left. peggy called her over so eliza wouldn't do anything stupid while they were away. the thing about eliza is when she's sick, she acts like she's high and is very tired all the time. so peggy called maria to keep an eye on eliza. that and also maria is her girlfriend. maria looked over to see eliza staring at her with wide eyes. maria stifled a laugh.

"do you need something?" maria asked.

"you're so pretty." eliza whispered although her nose was stuffed.

maria laughed quietly, "thank you, eliza."

"are you single?" eliza asked as she sniffed her nose.

maria smiled, "nope. i have a very beautiful girlfriend."

eliza looked down, "awh damn."

maria sat up and pecked eliza's lips lightly. when she pulled away she couldn't help but laugh at eliza's shocked expression.

"w-why did you do that?" eliza asked, "your girlfriend is going to kill you if she finds out!"

"so you're gonna kill me, liza?" maria asked with a smirk.

"what do you mean?" eliza asked.

"you said my girlfriend is going to kill me if she finds out i kissed you," maria smirked, "so you gonna kill me, baby?"

"i don't get it." eliza stated.

"god, you're an idiot when you're sick." maria mumbled, "you're my girlfriend, eliza."

"oh!" eliza smiled up at maria, "i didn't know that!"

"believe me, i know you didn't." maria smiled.

maria got up out the bed and walked over to eliza's dresser. eliza watched her intently as maria grabbed some pajamas for eliza. she grabbed a blue long sleeve oversized shirt with gray sweatpants. maria walked back over to eliza's bed and handed her the clothes. eliza looked at the clothes than back at maria with a confused expression. 

"what are those for?" eliza asked.

maria sighed, "these are your pajamas, baby. i need you to change out of the ones you're wearing so i can put them in the laundry basket. okay?"

eliza nodded and grabbed the clothes. maria began to walk towards her door.

"put them outside your door when you're done." maria stated, "i'm gonna go make some food for you."

"okay." eliza smiled at maria before she walked to her bathroom.

maria walked downstairs and into the kitchen. she grabbed eliza's favorite soup, chicken noodle, and poured it into a blue bowl. she placed it in the microwave for 2 minutes and walked back upstairs. she saw the pile of eliza's clothes near her door and grabbed them. she walked in eliza's room to see eliza laying on her bed wearing only the shirt. maria sighed and leaned on the doorframe. 

"eliza?" maria spoke.

eliza looked at maria, "yes?"

"where are your pants?" maria asked.

"um, somewhere." eliza answered.

maria looked around the room and saw the pants were on her bed next to her. she walked over to the bed and grabbed eliza's pants. she handed them to eliza and eliza groaned.

"i don't wanna wear them!" eliza whined.

"eliza, put some fucking pants on!" maria groaned, "it's gonna get cold tonight and you already sick enough so please put some pants on."

eliza groaned, "why? i know you like it when they're off."

maria blushed and threw the pants into eliza's lap, "just put some pants on, eliza."

maria walked out of the room and walked downstairs into the laundry room. when she put the clothes into the washer, she heard the microwave go off. she hurriedly turned on the washer and walked into the kitchen. she grabbed the soup and placed it on a bed tray. she poured some apple juice into a cup and also placed it on the bed tray along with a spoon. she walked carefully upstairs into eliza's room to see eliza under her covers with the remote for her tv. she was flipping through channels for something to watch and sighed heavily when she didn't find anything. she turned her head to see maria walking over to her with the bed tray and smiled.

"maria!" eliza beamed.

maria laughed, "why are you happy to see me when you saw me just a few seconds ago?"

"because i love you, idiot." eliza smiled.

maria smiled. she handed eliza the tray and she immediately ate it. maria watched with a smile on her face. after a few minutes, eliza was done. maria grabbed the tray and walked out into the kitchen to place it in the sink. she walked back upstairs to find eliza drifting off. she rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her as she walked in. she pulled the covers off on one side and got in. eliza felt her presence and scooted closer to her. eliza looked up and pecked maria's lips twice.

"goodnight. love you mars." eliza mumbled sleepily.

"love you too, liza." maria smiled.

[marliza sick fluff for your soul]

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