demon queen, maria pt 2 (f/marliza)

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eliza was walking with her sisters around town. they were shopping like usual with each other. they haven't seen each other in so long that it was driving them all insane. peggy was holding eliza's hand while skipping by her side. peggy was always the hyper one while eliza was the sweet and kind one. angelica was the one who just made sure none of them kill someone. 

peggy gasped, "we should go to the ice cream!"

eliza looked at peggy and laughed, "ice cream?"

"yeah. then we can eat it in the park. that'll be fun right?" peggy asked.

"well you two can go do that. i need to go back to my house because jefferson is having trouble." angelica told them as she checked her phone.

"i thought you and jefferson hated each other?" peggy asked.

angelica looekd at them and smiled, "oh we do but he's watching my child for me so i need to go back."

eliza nodded, "alright. see you later, angie."

angelica waved bye at both of them. peggy dragged eliza to the ice cream parlor. she ordered two chocolate chip and paid for them. they then walked to the park. it was late at night and it's the only place where you could see the stars. there were alot of trees surrounding the park so they went through them and sat in one of the benches in the middle of the park. 

"today was fun. i really missed both of you." peggy sighed.

"i missed both of you too." eliza smiled, "it's been lonely. especially when you have no friends whatsoever."

"eliza, we need to find you somebody." peggy told her. 

eliza shook her head, "no thanks. i tried dating this one girl but she was kind of manipulative." 

peggy nodded but then she looked around quickly, "did you hear that?"

eliza looked at peggy, "hear what?"

it was quiet for a few seconds until they both jumped at the sound of the bushes brushing. peggy immediately clung onto eliza.

"that. tell me you heard it too." peggy whispered.

"i did. it might just be the wind." eliza whispered.

peggy looked up at eliza, "there's no wind at all tonight."

eliza eyes widened, "w-well then it might just be an animal or something."

they heard the bushes rustle again but this time, it sounded closer. peggy and eliza yelped.

"the only animal in this park are squirrels and i know good and damn well that no fucking squirrel could make a bush rustle like that." peggy whispered.

"well it could've been a fat ass squirrel, pegs." eliza told peggy.

"i don't think we're squirrels, sweets." they heard a voice say behind them. 

they both turned around slowly to see a small group of people who looked about their ages. they were wearing dark clothing and their eyes had little tints of red in it.

"yeah and we sure aren't fat." one of the men said.

peggy leaned into eliza, "who are they, liza?"

"i have absolutely no idea, pegs." eliza whispered.

"they look scared of us, mars." one of the other guys said to the woman of the group.

the woman raised her hand to the man's chest, "yeah i know, herc. i'm not a dumbass."

"should we introduce ourselves?" one of the men asked.

the woman cleared her throat, "hello human 1 and 2. my name is maria reynolds. i'm the queen of the demon realm. these idiots behind me plus burr are my friends. there's hercules, alex, john, lafayette and burr. how are you two lovely ladies doing this fine evening?"

eliza and peggy were in shock. they were in the sight of demons. peggy nudged eliza's side.

eliza cleared her throat, "um...we're doing quite alright. may i ask why you're here?"

"it's obvious liza. they're gonna kill us." peggy stated.

maria laughed, "not kill you, per say. more like bring you two to the demon realm and torture you."

"you weren't too far off, pegs." eliza whispered as they begin to come closer

[ohhh mystery...let's see what happens next.]

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