demon queen, maria (f/marliza)

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"ugh, i'm so bored." maria groaned as she sat on her throne.

"well maybe you should relax, my queen." lafayette spoke as he walked up to her.

maria looked at him and sighed, "no. that's too boring and stop calling me queen. we're mutual so don't fancy me please."

lafayette rolled his eyes, "whatever mars. just go do something productive around the castle."

"nope. that's also too boring." maria sighed.

lafayette threw his hands up, "well stop bitching and come hang out with the group! we haven't hung out in a while."

maria looked at him with a bored expression, "yeah you're right. i haven't seen you little bitches in like forever."

maria got up from her throne and walked with lafayette to the royal garden. that's where john, alex, hercules and burr were. alex and john were play fighting while hercules and burr were reading. maria walked over to hercules and snatched his book out of his hands. he looked up and groaned.

"why'd you do that?" hercules asked.

"because reading is boring, dumbass." maria told him plainly, "i thought you knew that."

hercules rolled his eyes, "well it's better than what those dumbasses over there are doing."

alex was currently on top of john tickling the hell out of him. play fighting for alex and john is basically tickling the hell out of each other. maria looked back at hercules and patted his shoulder.

"that looks better than what you were doing to be honest." maria stated.

hercules laughed and got up, "so what are you doing off your throne, maria?"

lafayette walked up beside herc, "she was bitching about being bored so i suggested she hang out with us."

"that sounds fun, mars." john spoke up after he got off of alex, "we can go bother the humans now."

maria's eyes widened, "whoa whoa whoa whoa. you guys bother the humans when i'm not around?"

"i mean yeah. it's pretty fun." alex said. 

"what about what lord washington said about doing that?" maria reminded them.

herc scoffed, "please. as if he's not going out to the human world and fucking the shit out of king george."

maria raised an eyebrow, "who's king george?"

"wow maria. you really haven't got off your throne in a while." lafayette muttered.

"king george is the ruler of the human realm." john explained.

"so washingmachine is fucking ruler of human realm?" maria asked.

"yeah pretty much." herc shrugged.

"how did you guys even figure that out?" maria asked.

"those idiots flew out of the demon realm after lord washington and saw him follow the human realm ruler to his house." burr replied.

they all looked back at him with confused expressions.

"how did you know that?" alex asked.

burr closed his book, "please. you guys are not slick. i see you guys everytime you leave the realm."

"i forgot that burr has the skill of seeing what comes in the realm and what goes out." john muttered.

"yeah me too." herc muttered also.

"anyways, you wanna go with us, mars?" lafayette asked.

maria thought for a second then smiled, "you know it."

[what's this? me creating another mini series in the book? totally]

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