you're so perfect, ms. reynolds (s/marliza)

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eliza kissed maria lovingly and slow. maria was on top of eliza's lap as eliza's hands roamed maria's thighs. maria was self conscious about doing this. afraid that eliza will say something about her body. after her breakup with james, maria was scared. james always made rude or abusive comments about her body. maria would always keep quiet and agree with him. scared that'll she'll get hurt by him like before. ever since they broke up, maria and eliza had been going out. eliza always called maria pretty and other meaningful things. maria never agreed with what eliza called her. afraid it wasn't true. maria's thoughts were interrupted when eliza kissed her neck. maria flinched lightly which eliza noticed. eliza pulled back and looked at maria.

"do you want to stop?" eliza asked quietly.

"n-no i'll be fine." maria stuttered.

"what's bothering you, sweets?" eliza asked as she caressed maria's thigh.

"nothing." maria sighed.

"nothing my ass." eliza groaned.

"really it's nothing." maria stated.

"is it james?" eliza asked.

maria looked at eliza. knowing that eliza can read her like a book, she decided to tell her.

"i'm insecure about doing this." maria stated in a low voice.

"why?" eliza asked.

"i feel like you would be disgusted by my body," maria started, "because james was. he was the only person i ever went far with. he made me feel so bad about my body. whenever we had sex, he would always comment something negative on my insecurities. he told me my thighs were too big, i'm fat, i'm ugly without makeup. so many other things he would say to bring me down. that's why i'm scared to go far with you."

eliza cupped maria's face and kissed her lovingly. maria kissed back with the same amount of love. eliza licked maria's bottom lip. asking for entrance. maria granted that by opening her mouth a little. eliza immediately shoved her tongue into maria's mouth. it wasn't worth a battle because maria easily let eliza take over. they broke away after a few minutes. both out of breath.

"i'm gonna change how you feel tonight." eliza whispered in maria's ear.

maria blushed instantly as eliza pushed maria on her back. eliza grabbed a pillow from behind her and placed it underneath maria's head. maria moaned as eliza's began to kiss on her neck. gasping and grabbing the bedsheets as eliza sucked on her neck. maria let out a loud moan as she felt eliza bite on a certain part of her neck. eliza smirked to herself and continued to leave a mark on maria. she then placed her lips next to maria's ear.

"but I'm order to do that," eliza whispered, "i'm going to need you to take this shirt off."


"no buts, baby."

maria nodded and took off her shirt with eliza's help. after she took her shirt off, her red bra and underwear were visible. maria went to cover her breast but was stopped by eliza's grasp on both her wrist. eliza placed maria's wrist above her head with one hand and used the other to undo her bra. maria squirmed. trying to break from eliza's grasp but it was hopeless. she gasped as eliza began to play with her right breast nipple.

"you're so pretty, babe." eliza spoke.

"n-no i- ah- i'm n-not." maria moaned.

"you like your breast to be played with?" eliza smirked.

maria moaned as eliza squeezed her nipple. eliza let go of maria's wrist and used that hand to travel near maria's heat. she placed her hand inside of maria's underwear and started to stroke her heat. maria moaned loudly and grabbed the bedsheets tightly. eliza kissed maria's chest.

"you're so wet, baby." eliza laughed lightly.

"s-shit ah!" maria moaned.

eliza played with her clit as maria continued to moan. maria would admit. she felt amazing. eliza was so gentle with her body. as if she was fragile. maria began to tear up. eliza noticing and kissed her tears away. eliza moved her hand from under maria's underwear. she laughed as maria whined. she made her way down to maria's heat but not without giving maria open kisses along the way. once she made it down there, she tugged at maria's underwear. a sign of permission. maria nodded slightly. eliza smiled to herself before pulling maria's underwear off. as soon as they were off, she was met with maria's heat. she immediately went in. using her tongue to please maria. maria grabbed at the sheets tighter than before. unable to keep her moans in. she truly enjoyed the feeling of eliza's tongue working on her body. eliza enjoyed the taste of maria's juices as she licked and sucked every crevice. eliza then sucked onto maria's clit which sent maria overboard with pleasure. pleasure that she hasn't felt in so long. as eliza continued to suck, maria felt herself getting close. as did eliza. so eliza stuck her fingers inside of maria to make the process enjoyable. maria moaned as eliza's fingers began to scissor her inside. the pleasure was too much but just as perfect to maria. her walls began to tighten around eliza's fingers. after a few sucks of maria's clit, she came. eliza helped maria ride out her high and sat up. maria panted lightly. eliza laid down next to her. 

"so," eliza began, "how was it?"

"amazing." maria breathed.

"mmhm," eliza hummed, "you're so perfect, ms. reynolds."

"whatever." maria laughed breathlessly. 

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