queens (f/marliza)

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maria yawned as she got up from the giant mattress. she saw her lovely wife, eliza, sleeping soundly. maria brushed some of eliza's hair from her eyes and kissed her eyelids. eliza's eyes fluttered open and she smiled at maria.

"good morning, maria." eliza beamed.

"good morning, my love. how are you?" maria asked.

eliza sat up and stretched, "i'm doing well. we have to go to the market today."

maria raised an eyebrow, "why? what's happening at the market today?"

"the anniversary of our wedding is today, maria." eliza smiled, "the villagers are having a festival for our anniversary. i know you don't have anything to do today so we're going whether you want to or not."

maria groaned, "but, i wanted to spend time with my lovely wife."

eliza laughed, "well, how about we spend it at the market today. i bet the baby would love to go."

maria saw eliza place a hand on her evident bump and smiled, "eliza, love, the child isn't even at the point to speak nor 'have fun'. i'm sure they're having a blast in that tummy of yours."

eliza rolled her eyes, "i know, love, but i still want to go. please?"

maria sighed, "fine. i'll get ready."

in the kingdom of manhattan, there were two queens instead of a king and a queen. eliza was the first ever queen to allow this. she wanted to marry the former villager, maria reynolds and that she did. everyone was lovely and openly supportive while some weren't. they never cared though. they were happy and excited of the new baby that was going to be born soon. maria changed into a dress that wasn't so outwardly vivid. she just went with something with pastel colors. she walked back into the bedroom to see eliza rubbing her bump. maria smiled and walked over to her. she kneeled and pressed a kiss to eliza's bump. eliza giggled and patted maria's head.

"you seem to love them more than you love me." eliza teased.

maria scoffed, "i do not but they might replace you when they come out."


maria and eliza held hands as they walked around the village. they stopped at random shops and bought some things. before they left though, eliza wanted to stop at a cart. 

"why do you want to go there? we have fruits in the castle." maria told her.

eliza tugged maria towards the cart, "they have sweet fruit candies there. i want to try some."

"are you sure that is good for the baby, my love?" maria asked.

eliza rolled her eyes, "i'm sure some sugar would not harm our baby, love"

maria sighed as they reached the cart. eliza bought a whole bunch of fruit candies and fruit sweets. they said their goodbyes and took the carriage back to the castle. once inside the safety of their bedroom, maria plopped down on the bed with a groan.

"tonight was fun. right love?" eliza asked as she took off her dress.

maria sat up and pulled eliza to her. she kissed her bump and laid her head on it, smiling, "i guess it was. it was a lovely way to spend our anniversary."

eliza laughed and ran her fingers through maria's curly hair, "i'm happy you enjoyed it, my queen."

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