vocal warmup (f/jasippa)

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you have to look at the video above to understand lol

jasmine smiled at rafa as he explained to the other people of what jasmine was going to do. she was invited by rafa to the bars workshop to teach some things. 

"so jasmine here is gonna teach y'all a vocal warmup. you ready jas?" rafa asked with a smile.

"yeah i guess." jasmine smiled, "y'all ready?"

everyone smiled and nodded. jasmine cleared her throat and began the warmup.

"many mumbling mice. are making midnight music in the moonlight. mighty nice. that's how it goes. now sing it with me." jasmine instructed.

while they were going over the warmup, rafa heard a knock on the door. no one else heard it but him but he sneak towards it to see phillipa smiling from outside. he laughed and opened the door.

"what are you doing here?" rafa asked in a hushed tone.

"i came to surprise jasmine." phillipa answered, "i havent seen her for a while now. i know she misses me." 

"if she does, then she hides it well. c'mon, i'll show you were you can stand to watch." rafa told her as he walked towards the front of the circle group.

"what is she doing right now?" phillipa asked as she watched the group's warmup.

"she's teaching a vocal warmup. it's one hell of a weird one though." rafa sighed.

"oh it's the mumbling mice one, isn't it?" phillipa smirked.

"how did you know?"

"jasmine sings it all the time in the shower. it's routine at this point." 

"faster." jasmine told them as they did it for the last round.

"many mumbling mice. are making midnight music in the moonlight. mighty nice." the group sung.

"there ya go." jasmine smiled at them.

they cheered for her as she walked back to meet rafa. when she saw phillipa, she immediately ran to her and hugged her tightly. phillipa laughed as jasmine kissed her cheek. 

"when did you get here?" jasmine asked.

"like some minutes ago. that was a nice vocal warmup by the way." phillipa smirked.

"yeah but it's a weird one." rafa muttered.

"i know right?" jasmine shook her head jokingly.

look at me updating my book since i been gone. lol. this one was dry as hell. there was a smut scene that was suppose to be in it but liv was doubting me on it.

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