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It was a cold December afternoon on the grounds of Hogwarts. Most students were outside, playing and messing about in the snow but you were sitting in the Slytherin common room, cold but happy you had some sort of warmth by wearing your boyfriend, Regulus', hoodie.

"Nicole!" you heard voice you recognised as Regulus' say. You turned your head to see him entering the common room.

"Yeah, love?" you replied.

"So, princess, I was thinking- are you wearing my hoodie?" he questioned, forgetting the question he was originally going to ask you.

You blushed and looked down, "Maybe." He smiled at you a sat next to you on the sofa to hug you, "Don't be embarrassed, love, it looks fabulous on you." You laughed and buried your face in his chest.

After a few seconds of peaceful silence you spoke up, "So, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

His face lit up, "Right, so, I was thinking, how about we go outside in the snow? We can build a snowman, ice skate and have a snowball fight!"

You were a bit reluctant to say yes since you were enjoying the warmth of the usually cold Slytherin common room and it was the first time in ages since it'd been empty and you wanted to make the most of it. However, upon seeing your boyfriend's excited expression, you said yes, knowing he barely ever got the chance to do this since he would always go back to Grimmauld Place and would be forbidden by his parents to do any such thing.

He clapped his hands like a little child and told you to up to your dorm to get dressed into warm stuff. "And keep the hoodie!" he yelled as you walked up the stairs to your dorm which made you blush- luckily he couldn't see.

Once you were dressed in a thick, warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves, you went back down only to be met with Regulus grabbing your hand and dragging you outside.

You gasped as you stepped outside into the cold and the warmth you had left exited your body.

Regulus saw this and hugged you close, "Princess, how about we make a snowman?"

You smiled up at him excitedly, all thoughts of being reluctant to come outside leaving your body, and nodded your head.

He chuckled and held your hand as you two walked into a clear space to start building a snowman. 

After half an hour the two of you had finished and you admired your handy work. But something was wrong, you just couldn't get your head round it, though. "What is it, love?" asked Regulus.

"Something's missing," you responded, "aha! I know!" You had forgotten to give it gloves. You had already conjured up a hat and scarf for your snowman but didn't know the spell for gloves so you slipped your of your hand and gave it to your snowman.

You nodded in satisfaction and Regulus held you close. "Perfect."

"I'll be back in a minute, love, you stay here," spoke Regulus after a while. He kissed your forehead and walked away. After about two minutes, he came back holding a pair of ice skates in each hand.

You starting shaking your head vigorously, "Ohhh, no. I refuse!" You had never ice skated before! And you certainly weren't planning on it.

"But, Nicole, if you just-"

"In your dreams, pretty boy."

"Listen, I-"


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