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Request from Hanni321 :) Requested name is Rose Dawson!!

"Aren't your legs sore? Aren't they sore from running through my mind all day?"


Third Year

"Hellooo, gorgeous," Sirius slid into the seat next to you.

You quickly slide away from him, "Save it, Black. You know the answer."

He huffed, "There's always next year."

"Yeah, yeah," you muttered, turning the page of your book and not looking at him, "Bottle up that optimism for then... you'll need it."

"Will do... thanks for the advice, beautiful!"

Fourth Year

"Rose, love, long time no see!" Sirius smirked, throwing an arm over your shoulder on the first day of the new year.

You scowled and pushed his arm off, "I was hoping it would stay like that..."

"Well not all dreams come true, darling," he smirked and you scoffed before walking away.

James walked up to Sirius, "Tough luck, mate."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Sirius carried on smirking, "I'll have her head over heels for me soon... just you wait and see..."

"Mate, I don't it's that easy," Remus chuckled, "She was screaming at you before she even knew your name in first year-"

"Ahhh, but you see, my dear Moony, that's how you know someone loves you- when they feel free to scream at you and not care," Sirius grinned.

"Ooorrr she just hates you," Peter rolled his eyes, "But don't worry, Pads- in my neighbourhood, there's a massive saying...'Love is just around the corner'...I live in a neighbourhood full of hookers..."

Sirius sighed and patted Peter on the shoulder, "Never change, Pettigrew."

Fifth Year

"This is the year," Sirius said determindely, making his way towards you at the beginning of the year during the feast.

"You say that every year," James muttered, his mouth full of bread rolls.

Sirius made space between you and Molly to then speak to you.

"My, my, Rose, you just get more beautiful every time I see you," Sirius smirked at you.

"Beat it, Black," you rolled your eyes, turning back to your food.

"No, no!" Sirius cried desperately, "This is it! This will be the year! Look... I even made flashcards!"

Sirius whipped some flashcards out of his robe and you could see a few pick up lines written on them. 

That was kinda cute... What?! You did not just think that! Sirius Black wasn't cute! No way.

You huffed, "Black, go."

"No," he stubbornly responded, "I even showed them to Minnie! She didn't approve...said if I wanted to get a girl, dumb pick up lines aren't the way to go. What does she know though? Forty-year-old virgin..."

"Black!" you hit him on the shoulder.

"Oh, please, I love Minnie!" he smirked. "Please let me read my flashcards!" he pouted, "It shows how much I want to date you... I mean, I took the time to write something down in my own free will- I never do that!"

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