SIRIUS BLACK ~ Cigarettes

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CiGaRetTe DaY dReAmS, YOU WERE ONLY 17 (ok sorry) now please bare in mind that it's been 287347 years since I've written a oneshot so if this story is horse crap then don't say anything. I used a random name generator and got the name Hannah Anderso so that's the name here firgeirhefh

also please vote and comments so that this comment section isn't dry ☹🔪

"Ok, now this question is super tricky- why would the professor ask this. The question's asking for a non-magical creature with antlers."


"Shut up."

"I wasn't even talking."

"I know."

You sighed and turned away from Sirius. It was potions and you, under most circumstances, were best friends with Sirius (plus you liked him but he didn't need to know that). But you had gotten into a fight.

Over cigarettes.

And you were still convinced you had won. You were only telling him to stop smoking.

Yeah, because everyone wants their lungs to be black don't they?

(ewhjffh btw if you do smoke, nothing against you I'm sure you're an angel sent from the heavens above- just for the story's sake 💀) fun fact- as I was writing this, my sister did a if you're eating rn as well



You were on the balcony looking outside when you felt Sirius' presence behind you.

"What do you want now?" you rolled your eyes, not looking at him.

"To say sorry," he mumbled, "...and to ask for help on homework."

He paused, "But mainly to say sorry."

You scoffed. He frowned. Win-win.

"I am sorry, Hannah," he sighed. He leant against the railing and looked at you.

He did actually look sincere.

You groaned, "Fine. Whatever."

He grinned and hugged you, to which you reluctantly hugged back. Then just as you were walking away you heard a rustling noise. You turned towards Sirius and saw him...opening a goddamn cigarette packet and taking out a lighter.

"What the hell, Black?" You snatched the lit cigarette that was already in his mouth and threw it on the floor, stamping on it.

"Oi!" he said, annoyed, "What was that for?!"

You scoffed for the gazillionth time, "What was that for? What about what was that for for you?!" you said, astonished, motioning towards the cigarette, "You come and say sorry and then carry on smoking?"

He rolled his eyes, "Hannah, I said I was sorry- not that I would stop smoking."

This idiot was going to die. 

"If you die I'm gonna kill you, Sirius," you scowled. As you walked pass him, you snatched the lighter and cigarette pack from his hand, before throwing them off the balcony and not looking back at him.


It was a few days later and you were studying with the Marauders in the library.

James groaned, "I don't know the answer to this bloody homework!"

You sighed, slamming your book shut. He had been complaining for the last 10 minutes and it was doing your heading.

"Damn it, Potter. What's the question?"

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