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"I have met many pricks in my life but you, sir, are a cactus."


You sit down at the only space left on the Gryffindor table in the Dining Hall. You find yourself in front of a group of four boys, one of which you had known to be Black. You had never spoken to him or his friends so you just smiled lightly at them.

James Potter raised an eyebrow at you.

"Well?" he questioned.

You looked at him in a confused manner, "Well, what?"

He sighed and rested his head on his chin before speaking, "Well, aren't you going to ask Padf- Sirius for his autograph?"

You scoffed, "And why exactly would I do that?"

Peter rolled his eyes with food stuffed in his mouth, "Becos he a cewbwity awound here!"

You grimaced slightly.

"Well, I don't need to waste my time with self-obsessed idiots such as Black."

"Then that's tough luck for you and you only," said Remus sympathetically as he some how managed to cut his roast potato in a perfect way.

You frowned, "Why?"

"Because, my friend, Sirius likes any girl who won't go for him," intervened James.

You rolled your eyes and looked towards Sirius slightly who winked at you flirtatiously. 

"Is that so?" you said as you took your eyes of the annoyingly handsome boy, "Well, what if I suddenly say I'm absolutely obsessed with him and-"

"Too late," interrupted Sirius, "And what is your name, my love?"

You groaned, "Roberts. Freya Roberts."

Sirius smirked at you, "Well, Roberts Freya Roberts, I look forward to getting to know you."

You scoffed, "Yeah, about that, this," you motioned your hand between Sirius in yourself in such a way that said me and you, "is not happening."

"Oh, darling, have faith. I bet it will."

"Oh yeah? Bet."

"I'll have you wrapped around my finger soon enough, love."

"Do you want me to hex you?" you scowled.

"No, I'm good."

"Then shut up."

"No, I'm good for that too," he smirked.

"Black, you're a git."

"I try."

"It wasn't a compliment!" you raged.

"I know."


"Merlin's beard, Pads, would you shut your mouth about Freya for one second?" groaned James as he sat with his friends in the library.

"No can do..." dazed off Sirius as he stared at you talking to Lily.

He frowned, "She hates me!"

"Yeah, she does."

James sighed but stopped as he realised Lily walking towards their table with you walking reluctantly behind. 

"Here she comes," whispered Sirius.

"With Lily."

"Bloody hell, they could kill us with one simple flick of their wands!" exclaimed the lovestruck Black.

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