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Request from @mariyahsexton33 so thankyou! :)

"No, but I've done several toes and how different are they really?"


You heard the sound of howling during your sleep and immediately woke up. There it was. Your sign to go and help Remus. He would soon transform back into a human by the time you got yourself to the Shrieking Shack. You snuck out of bed, being careful not to wake the others up. You slipped on some socks and shoes as well as a warm hoodie over your pyjamas. You grabbed the invisibility cloak that James leant you for tonight and made your way over to the Shrieking Shack.

By the time you got there, you saw Remus had just transformed back into a human and the other Marauders were no longer in their animagus forms but looked exhausted. The stood outside the shack in the cold night air.

You got out from under the cloak and walked towards them. "Hey, guys," you said quietly.

"Hello," the grinned at you exhaustedly. You handed them the cloak which they would need to sneak back into the castle to which they thanked you tiredly and made their way to the castle.

Remus was lying on the ground, his breathing heavy. He had been having the Wolfsbane potion to keep his werewolf state at ease and having a calm, human mind; however, that didn't make the pain any less. Luckily, wearing shorts so that when he transformed back into a human, he wasn't completely naked. He had deep cuts all over his body as well as bruises and you were sure at least one bone had to be broken. Your heart broke at the sight of your best friend so helpless. 

You ran up to him. His eyes opened slightly at your appearance and he grinned at you, "I feel over the moon."

"I'm sure," you rolled your eyes. You helped him up, praising yourself for not touching anything of his wounds.

You led him inside the shack and he sat down on the bed there. You had brought medical things with you and your wand. You laid his legs down on the bed.

"No, I don't need a doctor," Remus pouted.

"Oh yeah?" you raised and eyebrow, "Is that so?"

"It is so."

You took out your wand and pointed it hat his broken nose, "Okay this is going to hurt a bit."

"Uhm, well have you ever fixed a nose before?" he asked sceptically.

"No, but I've done several toes and how different are they really?"

He scoffed lightly with the tiniest grin, "Uhm, ok, yeah. Give it a go."

You waved your wand slightly, "Episkey."

He yelled in pain, "Agh!"

He then looked at you, "Ho-How do I look?"

You smiled at him, "Exceptionally ordinary."


"Right. Now for the bruises and cuts. I can't do much about them- sorry. I'll try my best," you frowned. You felt so bad you couldn't do much for Remus.

You took a cloth and some potion you secretly made after hours a few days before. You poured the potion on the cloth and dabbed it gently on a rather deep cut on his chest. He hissed in pain to which you responded with a very apologetic look.

You then moved to one on his upper arm. "Ow!" he said, a pained look on his face. His eyes were shut in distress and his neck was bent backwards so his face was facing the ceiling. 

"Sorry, Remus," you frowned.

You then moved to one on his shoulder, "Oh my Merlin, that hurts!"

You huffed in frustration, "Well, Merlin, Remus! Where doesn't it hurt!"

"Here!" he huffed pointing to his elbow. You kissed it lightly- suddenly feeling bold.

"And here," he muttered, his voice quieter now as he pointed to the top of his forehead. You pecked it there.

"This isn't too bad," he murmured, pointing to a place just above his eye. You kissed there too.

"," he whispered, pointing to his lips. You leant down and kissed his lips gently, letting them linger there. He kissed you back. It was soft and long but soon became more rough. He glided his tongue across your bottom lip, asking for access which you granted. You fought for dominance and he won- seems like his tongue was the only thing that wasn't exhausted.

When you pulled away, you saw that his closed eyes in the kiss caused him to fall asleep. You gently placed a pillow underneath his head, being sure to not wake him up.

(omg I added an Indiana Jones reference and I'm proud)

You managed to clean him and his cuts & bruises up a bit without waking him up You were so happy. You had kissed your best friend and long time crush. You laid a blanket over him and was about to leave but stopped when you heard him groan.

"Noooo," he whined, "Stay!"

You smiled at him and walked up to his bed and laid down next to him. However, he had other plans. He grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him so that you were facing each other. You brought your hands up to play with his hair as his went around your waist.

The sun was starting to rise, telling you it was dawn and about 6 o'clock in the morning. Had it really taken you four hours to help Remus?! Not that you cared.

"So, are we a... thing now?" he asked sheepishly.

You smiled at him, "Well, considering we made out a while ago and we're now cuddling, I'd like to think we are."

"Ok," he grinned, "Well, goodnight."

"Love, it's 6 in the morning."


"Skip school?"

"Did you even have to ask."

"So, yes?"



Ok, I hope you liked this @mariyahsexton33! It was quite short tbh but yuh

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