REMUS LUPIN ~ Bitter Feelings

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"You're all double-crossing vipers"


A/N Oh my merlin, his smile is adorable! Okay, onto the story :)

"Hey, Chloe," Remus said as he wrapped his arm around your waist whilst joining you on your walk around Hogwarts. The rest of the Marauders joined you as you all waved at them and kissed your boyfriend on the cheek and he moved his hand from your waist to entwine your fingers together- Merlin, it was the best feeling in the world (other than his kisses of course). 

Remus always knew how to make you feel loved, especially since you told him what goes on at your house- how you get verbally and physically abused by your father and older brother and verbally abused by your mother and older sister. You were the youngest in the family so easily you were seen as the weakest and easiest to take angry shit out on. That house was not a happy place. Yes, a house...not a home. It would never be home. Besides, that place was already taken up by Hogwarts.

It was silent for a while but you didn't fail to notice the way Remus' hand got sweatier and sweatier by the minute. "Baby, your hand's all sweaty- are you okay?" you questioned, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead to check if he had a fever. The corners oh his mouth turned upwards before he removed your hand, kissed it and then spoke. "I'm fine, princess, thank you. Just a bit nervous is are the others here."

"Why what's the matter?" you asked in a concerned tone whilst frowning.

"It's just uhhh, well, um-" Sirius stuttered.

"Come on, Padfoot, it's nearly Christmas!" you spoke impatiently, desperate to find out the tea they were about to spill for you to sip.

"It's only September, Chloe?" spoke a confused James.

"Exactly, Prongs! And by the time he's done saying his bloody sentence it'll be Christmas!" you smiled sweetly, bopping his nose.

A look of realisation hit his face whilst he smirked at Padfoot because of the joke you made.

"No one likes me," Sirius grumbled.

"Don't worry, we're just pulling your leg, Pads," you laughed, "but we're moving off-topic. What's the matter?" You turned back to Remus.

"Umm, love, why don't we talk in our dorm?" he spoked in a stressed voice.

"Okay..." you spoke slowly whilst changing your direction of walking to the Gryffindor boys' dorms.

As soon as you got there you jumped on Remus' bed and faced the boys. "So what's the matter?"

"Chloe, I'm a werewolf. The boys are illegal animagus who help me with my transformation. We never actually have that 'special boys night for every full moon' that we say we do. We go down to the Shrieking Shack where I transform. That's the reason I have all the scars on my face, not because I was being a careless drinker and had an accident. This is what I needed to tell you- I'm a werewolf."

You stayed silent for about a minute before staring at each of the boys in turn.

"Okay," you said before leaving the room.

For about a month, you avoided the Marauders and mainly your boyfriend no matter how hard they tried to communicate with you and begun hanging out with Lily and Marlene instead.

One day, Remus was staring at you laughing with your new friends across the dinner table and sighed. "Penny for your thoughts, Moony?" asked Peter.

"It's Chloe- she's been ignoring us for a whole month and hasn't given any indication why!" Remus said, frustrated.

"I know, mate, how about we talk to her tonight? Now that Lilyflower has finally decided to give me a chance and speak nicely to me, I can ask her to somehow keep Chloe alone in the common room and that's when we'll talk to her?" suggested James.

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