SIRIUS BLACK ~ Just A 'Fling'

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"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, hippos and camels! Hello and welcome to makeout commentary with James and Peter! Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!"


You and Sirius were together...well kind of...?

You and Sirius were having more a fling in a way. It started in 5th year and you were now in 7th. It was more for, well, pleasure than actually liking each other.

That's how it started of you found yourself falling in love with the dummy.

Not that he would feel the same way...there weren't supposed to be actual feelings in a fling.

As of the current moment you were making out with Sirius on the couch in the common room...which was being described elaborately by a certain Potter and Pettigrew.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, hippos and camels! Hello and welcome to makeout commentary with James and Peter! Today we are watching our good friends Sirius and Lia snog. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!" James flashed an 'award-winning' grin.

"Well, folks," Peter said with a smirk, "They're really getting at it today, aren't they? Are they using tongue?"

"It's been about 15 minutes too," James scrunched up his nose and glanced at his watch.

You and Sirius were too...busy to pay attention to what they were saying (the things I would DO to be in Lia's position 🔪🔫🔪🔫)

"Okay, well on another note, mis amigos," Peter started, "Lia is now straddling Sirius and I am positive that if she pushes up against him anymore...he will officially become a part of the couch."

"Oh God," James stared skeptically, "They've now added grabbing and grinding to the mixture...mate, this is about to get spicy. You'd never have thought- OH MY GOD HIS HAND IS GOING UP HER SHIRT!" he gasped (which that was you and Lily huh...jealousy isn't a good look 🙄)

James chucked a pillow at the two of you but you barely even noticed, "GET A GODDAMN ROOM!"

"You guys are in bloody public!" Peter groaned, "Now, I'm used to the intense PDA...but this is literally softcore-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Peter!" James interrupted dramatically.

Remus then entered the room, "What in Merlin's name is going on? I could here you from outside the common room! What's the matte- OH MY GOD, EW! THAT IS MANKY, STOP THIS INSTANT, YOU INCONSIDERATE WIERDOS!"

James grabbed a book Remus was holding and hit Sirius on the head with it, "Alright, whores, break it up and go upstairs to complete your unfinished business!"

Peter, slightly scarred for life (uh bestie there's a lot more where that came's just the beginning 😁👍) spoke scaredly, "That had to me the most intense thing I've ever laid eyes on... Godric, I'd rather chop off my hand than watch that!"

(mmm who's gonna tell him? 😬 dibs not me)

"Well, we got through it alive," James said sympathetically, resting a hand on Peter's shoulder.

He then made a face of rememberance, "Time to finish off makeout commentary! Well, folks, we sincerely hope you enjoyed that rather erotic episode of Makeout commentary with James and Peter. This was Season 3 Episode 11, and we'll catch you next time! Thank you and goodnight!"

They both bowed to nothing before going to bed.


It was a few weeks later and you had seriously started thinking about this fling with Sirius- how you would rather be with someone who loved you back than just the two of you using one another for pleasure.

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