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Notice in advance ~ the italics paragraphs  are flashbacks 

Three months, two weeks, six days, four hours, five minutes and 12 seconds.

That's how long it has been since Carolina Rojas broke up with her boyfriend and love of her life Sirius Black. She remembered the day vividly- it was horrible. They were screaming insults that they didn't mean at each other, all guns blazing, and saying cruel things they immediately regretted after. 

It was a cold winter day in Hogsmeade and Carolina walked into The Three Broomsticks expecting to see her boyfriend waiting in a booth for her, like he said he would, but that was not what she saw. Instead, she saw Marlene sitting in a booth opposite...Sirius who reached over the table, being careful not to knock over the butterbeer Carolina should have been drinking with him, and tuck a strand off Marlene's hair behind her ear. Carolina's blood boiled but not in jealousy, but anger and betrayal. 

Suddenly, the young witch saw a small bush of mistletoe grow over the two's head.

"Well, I don't feel like having bad luck for the rest of the day. Do you?" giggled Marlene.

"No, neither do I. Plus, we don't want to be hurting the mistletoe's feelings do we?" smirked a flirty Sirius.

"Oh no, I would feel terrible!"

They both leaned in and started a full-on snogging session. It looked nothing like the times Carolina had kissed Sirius- their kisses were sweet and passionate and definitely not sloppy like Sirius and Marlene's. After about two minutes they pulled away both looking at each other with smirks.

"I think we made the mistletoe happy and we didn't hurt its feelings..." spoke a flustered Marlene. Carolina stormed over to their booth, her eyes full of tears and anger in her blood. If looks could kill, both of the flirty teens would be six feet underground.

"I'll tell you who's not happy and whose feeling are hurt," spoke a betrayed Carolina as she reached their booth.

"Shit. Carolina, it's not what it looks like, I swear!" Sirius said, shocked.

"Oh really? Because to me, it looks like you just cheated on me when you promised you wouldn't go and break my heart!" She yelled, attracting a bit of attention to the booth but she couldn't care less.

She stomped outside with Sirius hot on her heals. "Can we please talk about this?"

"Sure! Be my guest."

If only she knew how much she'd come to regret saying that later.

Currently, Carolina was sitting by the Black Lake staring at nothing until she felt movement beside her. She turned her head to see James. James was the older brother she never had, even though he was just three months older but it's the thought that counts...

"You haven't been sleeping," he spoke to her in a worried, protective tone.

"I know."

"You've barely been talking to anyone. "

"I know."

"You've been skipping loads of classes."

"I know."

"You've stopped eating."

"I know."

James huffed frustratedly before throwing a packaged cinnamon roll at her head. "Eat," he demanded.

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