SEVERUS SNAPE ~ Two Can Keep a Secret

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"One day the world will know you're mine and I'll show you off."


So I got a few requests from the wonderful EmmelineDoe so here is just one...her ideas are great btw so ya know who to ask if you need inspiration like moi ;)

He pinned me against the wall, lips shaped perfectly with mine whilst moving them roughly.

"Oh, love, you're so beautiful," he growled. Yes- that was my boyfriend Severus Snape. It was strange but brilliant to see this side of him- very different to the shy, enclosed person the world is used to. He only really showed his true personality to me and Lily...he didn't have a choice since we were his best friends and grew up with him.

Here we are now, sixth years- me a Gryffindor and him a Slytherin. Our relationship was a secret, obviously, but it also didn't help when I was close with the Marauders as well.

I pulled away from the kiss and just gave him a tight hug.

"Sev, I wish we could tell everyone...then we wouldn't have to hide or risk getting caught talking after hours," I whispered with small tears rolling silently down my face.

"I know, princess, but we can't. You know that. Only Lily can know," he replied, rubbing his hands on my back soothingly.


"No buts, sweetheart. Don't worry though, one day everyone will know you're mine and I'll show you off," he said. I chuckled quietly and looked up at him. "Okay. Thanks, love. I love you," I spoke with a small smile. "I love you too, darling." He never failed to make my heart flutter when he called me names like that and it was even better when I considered the fact that we grew up together.


I was sitting against a tree trunk with Sev, doing some homework.

"How's it going, Snivellus ?" I heard a voice sneer. I sighed before looking up at James who was in front of the group of Marauders.

"James, please don't do this," I sighed. James helped me to my feet even though I didn't ask for it.

"Ugh, you wound me," he acted, "surely you wouldn't want to help us have a little chat with our dear Snivellus?"

"Define chat. Chat my ass," I replied with a smirk and roll of the eyes, " and no I most certainly would not."

Before he had another chance to reply, I heard a distinct levicorpus and turned to see Sirius, one of my best friends, pointing his wand at Snape and within a second, my boyfriend with hanging upside down, by the ankle, in the air. I internally groaned before turning to Sirius.

"Pads, please stop," I said.

"Oh yeah, best friend? Why should I do that?"

I smiled at the name- Sirius had been doing that since we came to Hogwarts and it just stuck.

"Because he hasn't done anything to you!"

"No, of course not, unless you count the fact that he's done absolutely everything to me by showing the world his very existence."

I groaned out loud this time, my patience was wearing thin. "Sirius, stop!"

"No, I won't!" he yelled back, getting just as irritated. You were his best friend! You were expected to be by his side and support him!

"Oh I'm sorry, but in case you haven't noticed, that's my boyfriend you're taunting!" I shouted. I shot my hand to my mouth. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Everyone watching and listening went silent. "Wh-what did you just say?" Stammered Sirius. Severus fell to the floor since he was forgotten by Sirius.


"How long for?" Demanded James.

"The beginning of 5th year," I muttered with my eyes facing the ground.

"WHAT?!" boomed the Marauders along with some Gryffindors.

"Come with us," said Sirius. Gently but firmly, he grabbed me by the hand and took me and the boys to an abandoned hallway.

"Okay, let's get this straight," spoke a shocked Sirius. "You've been dating Snivellus since 5th year and you didn't think to tell us?!"

"Yeah but I couldn't imagine why!" I responded.

"Look," spoke Remus in a much softer tone than the others, "it's just that Snape is our ene- not our most favourite person in the world and when we found out you've been dating him since fifth year and you didn't tell us but we're your best friends... that's why James and Sirius are super upset. "

"Now, I'm not getting into an argument about this," said Peter who seemed reasonably calmer than before, "but does he make you happy?"

Oh. I wasn't expecting that question."Yes..very much."

"Then carry on dating him and we'll dial the tormenting down because if you're happy, we're happy," I heard Sirius say, "but if he hurts my best friend...hell will break loose." I smiled and laughed. "Thanks, guys." I hugged them.

"You know, I don't mind you dating Snivellus but if you'd like me to be more could try and get my and Lilyflower together? "James asked hopefully.

"Consider it done!" I told him whilst mentally praising him for the smoothness of what he said.

The boys carried on teasing Prongs and I smiled but not at them- I was smiling at the fact that I could finally walk around with the love of my life without hiding!

Oh I could not wait to tell Sev!


I am so so sorry. This is my worst story yet and it's absolutely disgusting :(

I'll try and make my future stories better sorry 😶😭

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