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Please read what's below or you won't understand the story.

So before I get into this, I need to explain what's going on in the story -  otherwise you might not understand it. This was a soulmate story request from Sophiahogwarts so thank you for that :) I thought I would change it up a bit that the usual something appears on your arm thing for a soulmate chapter.

So basically in this, you receive whatever your soulmate loses so this should be fun✨🤪

"You, Little Miss Noisy Pants, are distracting me with your thinking,"


3...2...1...You were finally 16! Not only were you of age, you were also going to soon start receiving lost items from your soulmate. 

After thanking your friends for their birthday wishes, you went to cut your cake. 

"Ok, I'm gonna cut my- oh!" you were interrupted as a rather foul-smelling sock landing in your face.

"Sophia, it seems like your soulmate has already started your little game," smirked Mary Macdonald.

"Mhm, it seems so, doesn't it?" you rolled your eyes, "Okay, I can just tell that my soulmate's a boy- that is a bloody unnatural smell."

"Yeah, yeah, now how about that cake?" Marlene laughed.


You walked with Lily to class but halted as you felt a pot of ink crash onto your head. You hoped your lover boy had a spare set of ink.

"Shit," you muttered angrily as you felt ink soak your hair and dampen your uniform. Lily grabbed your stuff from you before they could get ruined too.

"Go on, Sophia, I'll tell the professor what happened," said Lily sympathetically.

You offered her a grateful smile and rushed to your dorm to wash your hair.

Once you got out of the shower, you crashed into a bed post whilst getting dressed when you suddenly felt a pair of round glasses placed on your eyes... well, that possibly narrowed down who your soulmate might be.


You walked into Divination late which earned a slight glare from the professor but you were dismissed as he understood what happened.

You were trying to concentrate on your work but just couldn't with the chatter of the infamous Marauders behind you.

"Hey, Moony, can I borrow your ink? I lost mine earlier today," the voice of James Potter said.

Your head snapped up and you looked at Lily, who looked like she had heard the conversation as well.

You communicated with your eyes in a way that said, what the fuck, my soulmate lost his ink today and so did Potter.

Your thoughts were interrupted by hearing the sound of Joshua Lewis, a boy in your year, talking to his friends.

"Hey, mate, do you have any ink I could borrow? I must have lost mine today somewhere."

Oh. So now you knew James and Joshua had lost ink so it could possibly be them. But then again, if your soulmate were from Hogwarts, excluding you, there's another 999 students to choose from. This should be fun.


"No, no, where is it, where is it, where is it?" you muttered as you searched your dorm.

"What's the matter, Sophia?" yawned Marlene as she started getting out of her bed to get ready for school.

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