SEVERUS SNAPE ~ James Potter's Twin Pt.1

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"Now if you excuse me, I'm off to murder my brother dearest."


"Fancy seeing you here, Snivellus!" sneered your brother, James. You walked behind him with the rest of the fellow Marauders.

"Emma?" Your head shot up at the sound of your name.

"Yes, butterfingers?" you smirked, knowing how much it annoyed James. He rolled his eyes before speaking.

"Come help me annoy Snivellus, will you? Besides, two Potters are better than one!" he winked at you. You rolled your eyes just like him as your hazel eyes met his identical ones.

"Thanks for the offer, Potter, but I think I'll just stay here in the background." He groaned at your statement before nodding.

Little did anyone other than your best friend, Alice Fortescue, know, but you had a massive crush on Severus since third year. He was a very enclosed person and only seemed to hang out with Lily but you were desperate you talk to him. The only problem was that you hung out with all the Marauders so he would probably think you were just as bad as them. Your thoughts were interrupted by a distinct Levicorpus

You looked up to see Severus in the air and James' wand pointed at him. You let out an internal groan and was about to tell him to stop-


"Yes?" You and James spoke at the same time and turned your head to see a red-faced McGonagall storming towards you and your group.

"No not you, Potter, the other Potter," she responded, a bit more confused.

"Me?" you and James spoke again. Ah, the joys of being a twin.

"No, no, no, James Potter, I'm talking to you!" she yelled again. 

"And how can I be of service Minnie?" he smirked.

"Put Snape down or it'll be detention for a weekend! And 15 points from Gryffindor!" she growled and with that she walked away. James sighed frustratedly before mutter Liberacorpus and letting Severus drop harshly to the ground with a distinct thud. 

He slowly walked towards Severus and snarled, "You got lucky, Snivellus. If it weren't for Minnie, I wouldv'e shown your pants to the whole of the courtyard." Then kicked him in the side, not too harshly, but just enough to hurt before walking off with Sirius, Remus and Peter.

You waited for them to be fully out of sight before running up to Severus worriedly.

"Oh my Merlin, are you okay?" you said before noticing that he had a cut lip and bruised arm.

"Oh, that must hurt," You muttered before reaching into your robes for your wand.

"What are you doing, Potter? You think I'm just going to let you 'help' me? Your just as bad as your brother!" he spat.

Your eyes became sad. "No, I promise. I'm nothing like James. Think about it, Severus, have I ever done anything to harm or annoy you? In fact, I tell James to stop," you whispered.

"Yes, but you hanging out with the people who have tormented me for years is enough for me not to trust you," he spoke angrily.

You sighed. "Okay, fine, that's understandable. Just, please, let me heal you? I swear on Sirius' posterior that I won't do anything to harm you." His lips turned the slightest bit upwards at that before he responded, "Fine."

You smiled triumphantly before speaking the spell used to heal.

"Episkey." You saw Severus flinch, worried you would do something nasty to him, but he relaxed once he saw that you had completely healed his lip.

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