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Request from SelinaClarke2!! And DISCLAIMER before you read the story, everyone from the first and second wizarding war are alive and the reader and Sirius have been dating since 4th year :0 Requested name is Storm and her nickname is 'Foxy' since her animagus is a fox : )


(three guesses who)


"Ok, guys, you ready?" Lily asked you and Marlene as she walked up to you an fixed your hair.

You sighed, "As we'll ever be."

So, backstory: you, Lily & Marlene had been in a band since third year. It was years later and the three of you were performing for the first time in ages at the Leaky Cauldron!

The door opened and in walked Sirius (*zaddy) and he grinned when he saw you.

"Well, love, you look gorgeous," he walked towards you and kissed the tip of your nose. You interlaced your fingers with his and smiled, "I know."

He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down and placing his lips on yours. (sir run me over. now. this instant.) You placed your hands on his shoulders as he pulled you closer.

"Oi!" You and Sirius broke apart and looked at the source of the noise. McKinnon.

"You two can have seggs another time, but right now we need to focus on Storm's song."
Sirius rolled his eyes and, before leaving, kissed you on the cheek, whispering in your ear, "Have fun up their, Foxy."

And with that he left.


Around an hour later, you were on stage at the pub with your friends. People looked at you, lots of whom you used to see around Hogwarts, others you were surprised were still alive. (like Prince Philip xox).

You walked up to the microphone, all eyes on you. The Marauders looked at you from their table.

James cheered, "Woo! Go Foxy- I mean Storm! Go FoxyStorm!" (oh dear lord) 

You grinned and spoke into the microphone, "Uhh, okay, hey everyone! So as some of you may know, I started a band with Marlene and Lily in 3rd year. We're going to be singing a song from my old diary I wrote in 4th year. It's called 'Honey Honey'. Hope you enjoy!" (this is Honey Honey from Mamma Mia btw)

The audience clapped and you, Lily and Marene started to sing and play music.

You smiled.

Honey honey, how he thrills me, ah-ha, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kills me, ah-ha, honey honey
I'd heard about him before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean, he's a love machine
How he makes me dizzy!

The audience was on their feet clapping as you looked at Sirius who had come to realisation that the song was about him. He smiled and danced with the crowd. 

A few verses later, you were on the last one- Sirius staring at you in awe as you sang.

Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey
I'd heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I'm about to see
What you mean to me

The song ended with the strum of a guitar and the whole crown applauded and cheered loudly. (uh no that's not good enough. bow to me hoes)

After the crowd calmed down, Sirius walked towards you on stage. Everyone watched as you embraced (ew no stop that cover your eyes you porn-watching freaks)

He  kissed you lightly on the lips, "Darling, that was brilliant."

You pecked his lips again, "Thank you- you're only saying that because it was about you."

He chuckled, "That could be part of the reason."

You wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with his hair, "Well, love, you are my muse. Without you there would be no song. And without me too. Give yourself some credit, please. This song is your baby. Give yourself... twelve percent of the credit."

He raised his brow, "Twelve percent?"

You shrugged, "An argument can be made for fifteen...?"

He pouted, "Twelve percent of my baby?"

You nodded, "Well, I did do all the actual song. Literally, I wrote the whole song. You were just there. And, sorry, but the fact there weren't a lot of verses because I didn't know you well enough then and you'd asked me out a bit too late? That was on you."

He smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist, bringing you close, "Ooooh."

(oh wait I just realised those people are still watching. anywho)

also if no one gets the intense, intense reference I just made, I will genuinely cry (I DiD, i UnDeRsTOod thAt rEfErEnCe)

and theres another reference there bae xoxoxoxox 

Then his smiled slowly dropped but he continued to look at you in a soft, caring matter, "Foxy..." he whispered, pulling away slightly. He interlaced his fingers with yours. (ms gurl is sending over some really mixed signals here)

You looked at him confusedly, "Love, everything alright?"

He carried on to slowly pull away but carried on smiling, "Everything's perfect." (miss ma'am make it make sense)

"You're perfect. In fact, I don't think you realise how in love with you I am. Foxy, you're amazing, kind, sweet, caring and talented and everything I could ever ask for. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, my love. So, Storm...Black," he smirked at the last name, getting onto one knee, "Will you marry me?"

You stood there, speechless. Tears dwelling in his eyes as well as his slightly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" you cried. He got up from the floor and hugged you tight as everyone in the room cheered and clapped. He lifted you off your feet, spinning you around. (no don't do that I'll get dizzy ☹).

When he put you down he kissed you passionately and you did the same. By the time you pulled apart, the other Marauders were walking towards you.

James shrieked in a rather feminine voice, "Oh my Merlin, I'm going to be a maid of honour!"

He turned to Remus, grabbed his shoulders and shook his vigorously, "I'M GOING TO BE A MAID OF HONOUR! SUCK IT MOULDY-VOLDY! GO ROT IN HELL!"

He ran out of the pub, screeching, "They're getting married!! AHHHHH!! I'M GOING TO BE A MAID OF HONOR AND AN AUNTIE!"

You both laughed hard, and confused, at your best friend's antics, his voice fading, the further he ran away.

Remus and Peter joined the two of you and you all had fun for the rest of the night with other.

Sirius placed his lips on yours gently.

"I love you so much, darling."



ok bye : )

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