REMUS LUPIN ~ Library Visits pt.2

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"Speaking of death, what's your last death wish? Mine is that when I die, my sister adds eight extra bones into my coffin to fuck with archaeologists' brains-"


You forced yourself to not turn back around to face him, heart stumbling.

To say your face was a tomato would be a great, basic, cheesy metaphor to explain. (can't go wrong with tomato metaphors)

You could feel him looking at you intensely and you thanked Merlin's balls for the low light that was covering the blush coating your face.

You mustered up the zero confidence you had left and replied.

"How was I staring at you?" you asked him, continuing to face the outside, 'focusing' on the rain.

'How was I staring at you?'?!?!?! That's what you fucking reply with?

If this were any other boy and they told you that you were staring at them, you most certainly would have told them to get of their high horse and not flatter yourself. But in a much ruder, more graphic way of course. (it's giving hot girl)

But Remus Lupin was not 'any other boy'. He was a boy you hardly knew and he'd already be the death of you. A goddamn three sentences had been conversed between the two of you and you already were prepared to tell yourself he was the love of your life. 

He was the love of your life.

You had never ever, emphasis on never fucking ever, been like this in front of anyone and now some kid with glasses falling off the bridge of his nose and ink stained on his hand is what makes say dumb sentences like how was I staring at you? (don't be ashamed. i'm not. remus lupin has me folded with a crease down the middle)

Thinking about all this for so long made you realise how long he had been silent for.

Oh Godric, maybe he left. Actually, maybe it was for the better. 

Actually, what if he really was the love of your life. 

Actually, what if you checked first before jumping to more stupid conclusions like 'he's the love of my life'.

Actually, that was a splendid idea.

You took the slightest glance back, not daring to turn your head anymore than half a degree to check behind you. He was still there and you could now feel his gaze. You hoped he didn't see you slowly making yourself stare at him again from your new position and perspective but-

"Like that," you could see him motion his head towards you in the corner of your eye. Yes, you were indeed staring at him.

But this time, even when he looked and caught you staring, you didn't look away. You carried on, gradually giving in and turning your body to face him completely. His brows are furrowed as he gazed at you with interest.

You mirrored his furrowed brows expression, "Maybe you should stop looking at me like that too then. Just an idea."

Okay, a bit more confidence now, we're getting somewhere.

He took a few steps closer and you resisted the urge to back away.

Never mind. Confidence was not a thing.

"Maybe I don't want to," he spoke quietly, looking at you, head slightly tilted as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose slightly.

You shook your head, "Do you even know my name?"

He scoffed, "The question's who doesn't know your name?"

Well he knew who you were? That's a good start. Well, you were ecstatic about it anyway. That was enough for you to die happy. You could've died right now.

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