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A/N This is a request from anonymous so thank you for the request :)

"Y-yeah, b-because she isn't as gorgeous as you and she's just a smelly, jealous idiot."


You sat in the library finishing off some well overdue homework when you heard the scrapes of three chairs at your table.

"James, Sirius, Peter?" you asked, not looking up.

"Yes?" they all said in unison.

"What did you do this time?" you sighed, putting your quill down and looking at them. You glared at your older brother, Sirius, as well as the other to. Remus wasn't there, but you weren't sure where he was.

James scoffed, "And what exactly, my dear Ophelia, would give you any idea we did something?"

"Don't call me by my full name," you rolled your eyes, "and do I honestly need a reason?"

"Oi!" laughed Sirius as he took a piece of parchment of you, scrunched it up and threw it at you, "We're angels from heaven!"

"Yeah, more like demons from hell but whatever floats your boat," you winked at him.

"Anyway, what did you actually do?"

They looked at each other.

"Well, we hear from a very reliable source-" started Peter.

"-that some self-obsessed Slytherin was saying some...things about you," finished of Sirius.

"So naturally-" carried on James.

"We decided to teach her a lesson!" they said, once again, at the same time. The grinned at you mischievously.

You narrowed your eyes at them, "Dear Lord, go on..."

"We may or may not have played a harmless, little prank on her," smirked James.

You closed your eyes and laughed, "'Harmless, little' by the school's standards or 'harmless, little' by your standards?"

"Neither," murmured your brother, "'Harmless, little' by your standards, Lia."

"What?!" you whisper-shouted. 'Harmless, little' by your standards usually mean 'huge, permanent damage.'

"Don't worry, Lia, it's gonna only last until the end of the academic year," chuckled Sirius.

"Sirius Orion Black, that's 6 months away!"

"Yeah, well-"

"You guys honestly didn't have to do that for me," you laughed.

"We know," said a knew voice which you knew to be Remus', "but we wanted to."

He stood behind you and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head slightly.

You turned your head to look at him, "And what will the school do when they find out you've been involved, Mr. Prefect? "

"Well, I'll just tell the school I didn't know they were doing it," he smirked.

You both grinned at each other. He leant down to kiss you but was interrupted by the other Black.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it - you're cute," Sirius said. He had never liked seeing his little sister date his best friend.

You rolled your eyes and turned to face the others, "Right, so how bad is the damage?"

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