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Request from so yuhh ;) and requested name is Eliza Delacour and GUYS IN THIS YOUR GUY BEST FRIEND THAT'S MAKING SIRIUS JEALOUS  IS LOUIS. FUCKING. PARTRIDGE. Now you must thank the anonymous 😌✌

"What I'll make you do is break of your arms so they can support you when I force them to shove your head up your ass just so that you can have a glimpse of how big your damn ego is!"


You were dating Sirius Black. Sometimes, however, it would be hard to remember. What? Hard to remember that you're dating the Sirius Black.


You see, you all were in 7th year and Sirius and the other Marauders because they wanted to graduate knowing they had done all of their desired pranks.

This, however, meant you barely got to spend time with Sirius. With him pranking, studying for N.E.W.Ts and completing homeword as well as attending detention, you never got the chance to be together.

But you could just study together, right? Wrong. It usually ended up in the two of you getting...distracted in one way or another.

Oh and you were a Slytherin.


"Eliza!" James yelled.

You turned around to see him and the other Marauders (other than Sirius).  "Hey, James!"

"Wha brings you here on this fine day?"

"What brings me here? In... school...? On a ... school day? And where I live for practically live for a whole school year...?" you asked, waiting for James to catch on.

"Kind of overstepped on that one, mate," chuckled Remus.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" James furrowed his eyesbrows.

"Anyway," you continued, "Uhh, where's Sirius?"

"Oh, he's busy giving Minnie pink hair," smirked Peter.

"Oh," you sighed, looking to the ground.

Remus frowned, "Something wrong, Eliza?"

You sighed, "No, I'm fine."

"That's not truw," James chimed in, "If a girl ever says she's 'fine' she's most likely not... I read about it in '12 Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches'."

He winked out you as a smile tugged at your lips, "Honestly, guys, it's nothing. I'm just upset that Sirius and I barely ever see each other anymore..."

"Well," Peter joined in, "Why don't you talk to him tonight? He's not doing anything tonight which, now that I think of it, probably isn't a good thinks with N.E.W.Ts coming up..."

"Okay," you said, "I will. I'll do just that."

"See?" grinned James proudly, "Who needs advice when you have us?"

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Don't get too cocky, Potter... it does stuff to people's brains."

"Ooooh, scary!" James whisper-shouted sarcatically while pretending to quiver.


You sat at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, waiting for Sirius. It was usually here the two of you met up after hours. 

"Hello, gorgeous," Sirius whispered. You turned to face him and smiled as he pecked your lips.

"Hey, love."

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