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A/N Request from @MadamDweeb so thankyou for the request! :)


In this, James isn't married to Lily and instead is married to a lady called Rose. They still have their son, Harry. This is a oneshot of how they die protecting Harry Pottah (sorry I had to) WHY DID THEY HAVE TO GO 😩😭😠😤

"How dare you! Harry is perfectly sensible and normal... he takes after his father!"


You laid down in bed with your husband, James. It was eleven thirty in the evening and you had finally gotten Harry to fall asleep.

"So, darling," James turned to you with a seductive smirk, "Harry's asleep so we can, well let's say, do things if you catch my drift?"

He wiggled his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and smacked him with a pillow before turning off the light.

"Uh, Mrs. Potter, that's very rude!" he grumbled, "I was going to suggest we go and have some cookies."

Of course he was.

"James, I'm tired," you groaned. You snuggled up close to him and rested your head on his chest to which he happily wrapped his arm around you while his free hand played with your hair.

"You know, beautiful," he said quietly, "Sometimes, I think your the devil and a nightmare put together in one person."

You rolled your eyes, "Potter, no one can be the devil and a nightmare put together into one person."

As if on cue, Harry started crying from his bedroom and James huffed, "Can't they?"

You made to get up but James stopped you, "Don't worry, love, I'll go."

"But you did it last night!" you protested. He chuckled.

"Gorgeous, going to Harry when he's crying isn't some game where we need fair, even goes," he spoke, "I'll go help him."

He walked out of your guys' room and you heard him walk into the baby's room and talk to him.

"Hey, buddy!" he cooed but that was the last thing you heard before you fell into a deep slumber.


It was the evening of Halloween, 31 and you were in the kitchen cooking dinner while James cheered on Harry who was giggling like crazy on his miniature broomstick. You smiled when you felt some arms wrap around your frame.

"Hello, gorgeous," James whispered, "Whatcha doing?"

You huffed, "Trying to figure a way to put vegetables into our son's dinner without him realising- he won't eat any proper baby food and refuses to eat any vegetables knowingly."

James smirked, "Well, what can I say? That baby is-"


"I was going to say-"



"Sometimes I believe he isn't normal."

James gasped, "How dare you! Harry is perfectly sensible and normal... he takes after his father!"

"That explains it then, doesn't it?"

"What?! No-"

"Love, he wacked his Uncle Sirius on the head with an apple and through an orange at his face right before somehow managing to open a bottle of baby powder that was on an extremely high shelf and dumping it onto Sirius' hair."

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