SIRIUS BLACK ~ Jealous Pt.2

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"He's not my damn boyfriend! He's my idiotic friend who can be a bit messed up in the head sometimes!"


"Okay, why are we here?" Sirius muttered lazily when coming upon you in the library.

"You know why."

"Oh, you wanna talk? Let's talk. I don't need you talking to your other boyfriend-"

"Sirius, he's not my boyfriend- you are-"

"Oh and I'm sure you're so dissappointed-"

"No, Black, I'm not, so shut your obnoxious little-"

"Woah, woah, calm down, tiger!" he scowled.

What were you doing? The two of you loved each other and you knew it! But he had pissed you off and now you couldn't stop.

"He's not my damn boyfriend! He's my idiotic friend who can be a bit messed up in the head sometimes!"

"Oh, I think he thinks he's much more than that!"

"Oh my Merlin, Sirius. Look, I love you-"

"Oh, do you now?"

"But I've never wanted to shove someone off the Astornomy Tower more-"

"The Astronomy Tower? I bet that's where you go to snog Patridge-"

Ok, this was ridiculous. Did he really not trust you?

You quietened your voice slightly, "Do you really have no trust in me?"

He looked at you and sighed, "No, I do-"

"Then why are you acting like this?"

"Because Louis Partidge is obviously head over heels for you but your too oblivious to realise it!"

You huffed, "Godric, Sirius, I do realise it. But I ignore it and pretend to not notice! You know why? Because I'm with you. I'm in love with you. Not Louis, not anyone other than you."

"Then why did he say you would go to him for your problems and not me! The one you should be coming to instead of some dumbass who just wants to shove his tongue down your throat-"

Ew. That's not how you wanted to see Louis as a person.

"Because you're weren't there for me to come to my problems with!"

"Okay, that's enough!" Madam Pince glared at the two of you. You had both completely forgotten that you were in the library and people were staring at you.

"Out! Go quarrel pointlessly over whatever somewhere else!"

You stormed out and along the way, you flipped off some 4th year who was laughing. Soon enough, you found an empty hallway with Sirius and took a deep breath to compose yourself.


"No, no, you can shush your mouth! I'm here trying to talk to you like a couple should talk but you're off thinking I'd rather date my bestfriend over you. Sirius, you're the bloody boy every girl dreams of wanting to call theirs but it's me who has you! I don't want Louis! I want you! And don't even try to hide-"

"Hide what?"

"Your jealous!"

He gaped, "What? Me? Jealous?! Pshhh, as if!"

You rolled your eyes and quietened your voice, "Sirius..."

"Okay, fine! I am! But excuse moi for getting jealous and protective when some random boy that I despise wants to stick his tongue down my taken girlfriend's throat! It's damn frustrating!"

You had a slight smile tugging at your lips, "Godric, I love you."

He frowned, "I-i don't think you heard me... I said it's damn frustrating which means I'm unintentionally mad at you as well..."

"I know..."

"Eliza, are you okay? Do you need me to take you the hospital wing?"

"Nope... say it again... how mad you are?"

"What? Eliza, I said it's damn frustrating... how are you smiling? Do you need me to say it in French? I'll say it's very rubbish-"

"Go on..."

"C'est tres nul!" he raged.

You stepped forward and cupped his face, "You know what? Shut up. It's fine. I know you trust me and-"

"I don't want you hanging out with Partrdige is all!"

"I can't not hang out with a best friend I've had for years..."

He sighed and shook his head, "Oh, Eliza, I'm sorry. I'm being such an idiot. I don't even know why I'm being so bloody horrible to you! I trust you more than I trust myself. Actually, I don't trust myself a lot so... I trust you more than Minnie trusts Professor Dumbles! Anyway, I'm digressing, I love you so much. It's just that when I heard what Louis said about you coming to him for your problems instead of coming to me... I got... a bit... very...pissed. Because it was true. I haven't been there for you... even just to talk. I love you so much and I'm sorry I got jealous and-"

"Okay, I forgive you," you interrupted.

It was getting to sappy for your liking.

He leant down and hugged you tight before letting go and kissing you on the forehead and then the lips.

Your forehead rested against his when he suddenly smirked, "Oh, by the way, your little friend might be in the hospital wing for a while... I got James to... do something-"

"Sirius Orion Black, what did you do?!" you glared.

"Let's just say... he's officially been turned into a ferret and he won't turn into a himan for a loooong time... no matter how hard Pomfrey tries to change him back-"

"Sirius, I love you, but I really can't keep defending you."


Ok Part 2 and I thought this was leading somewhere but it wasn't and it's super short so sorry about that. THIS IS SO BAD I WANT TO CHUCK THIS LAPTOP INTO THE SEA WTF

I need sleep.

And chocolate milk.

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