100k Story Special!

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Written by XxglxssystarsxX the great :)

Y/n POV 

We were running away from my transfiguration teacher. Why might you ask? We may or may not have changed her hair into a shade of lime green.

"Is she gone?" the messy haired boy asks.

"I think so- I can't see her anymore," I say.

Let me introduce you to my friends you might know us as the 'Marauders': 

There's Sirius Black~ the "Drama King" or "Padfoot"
Peter Pettigrew~ "The Food Lover" (I mean who doesn't love a good snack every now and then?)Although we call him "Wormtail"
Remus Lupin~ "The Brains". He is incredibly smart if you didn't catch. We all call him "Moony". Why might you ask? Let's say he has a furry little secret.
Me, Y/N L/N~ "The Golden Girl". They gave me that nickname since according to them I 'don't mess anything up, it's like everything you do is perfect!'
Last but certainly not least, James Potter~ "Prongs". 

To me he isn't just a friend- I maybe fancy him but of course nobody knows that. Plus, he fancies Lily Evans although Lily Evans is with Severus Snape. 

Lets get back to the story shall we? 

"Did you see her face?!" Sirius asked while laughing. The rest of us burst out recalling the look of our professor's face.

"Y/N, gotta hand it to you, you really place dirt on your title do you?" Peter asks. 

"Well, Wormy, I don't plan to anytime soon," I say with a chuckle.

"Well I best be off- I still have to ask my Lilyflower to Hogsmeade," James says....he doesn't know does he? I grab his wrist before he goes off. "James, you don't know do you?" I ask with a bit of sadness in my voice, he gives me a confuse look then says "know what?" he asked. 

"Sirius you didn't tell him?" I ask looking at him. 

"I couldn't do it..." he says looking down as I sigh. 

"Can anybody tell me what's going on?" he asks. 

"James, Lily and Severus are dating." 

He looks at me shocked at what I say- tears forming his eyes as he shakes his head, "That's not true right Moony? Wormtail?" They sigh and look down. 

"I'm sorry, James." He runs of to the astronomy tower.

I follow him behind. "James, I'm so sorry."

He looks at me and asks, "Y/N was I not enough?"

I pull him into a hug, "James, listen to me: you were more than enough. But she loves Severus and if she doesn't love you, don't think you weren't enough for her because you were more than enough! You were and still are sweet, caring, funny and more than you can ever imagine! And if she cant love you for you then I know people do love you for you James," I tell him as he sobs to my chest i cup his face and say, "Listen to me, one day you will find another girl who will love you and care for you with all her heart and you will be happy with her whoever she is and she will appreciate you for you alright?" I tell him as he nods and hugs me

"Thank you, Y/N."


It's been 3 months since what happened and James told us he lost his feelings now since he was in love with somebody else now but he never told us her name. I have to face the music- I'm just a friend nothing more, nothing less.


I recognize that voice anywhere. "Yes, James?" I ask looking up to him.

"If somebody asked you on a date or gave you flowers, what kind of date and flowers would you like him to give you?" I got confused since he mostly ask Sirius about these things.

"For the flowers, in my choice, I love lavender, asters, and roses. As for a date I love romantic yet simple ones like picnics, stargazing, or maybe just Hogsmeade and Honeydukes"

He looks like he was planning one yet also looks like he was taking down notes in his mind.

"Alright, Y/N, thanks! Oh and tell the boys I won't go with you all to prank Professor Slughorn." 

I was a bit confused why he wasn't coming with us. James Potter never misses pranks! What's going on with him? 

I go to the common room and I see the rest of my friends, "James asked me to tell you he won't come with us today." They we're shocked due to the same reason why I was earlier. After we prank our dear proffesor, the boys decided to check on James. 

Time Skip

James asked me to dress nicely and go meet up with him in the black lake.

I wore (What you casually wear or want to wear) and headed to the black lake.

"JAMES!" I shouted, gaining his attention.

"You look ravishing, Y/N. Come!" He dragged me to a large tree with my favorite novels and a picnic ready.

"James, this is amazingly beautiful!"

He smiled at me and we both started reading and eating some food he brought as the sun started to set. We started to clean up the picnic and he told me to go up to the Astronomy Tower.

I arrived and it was amazing! Fairy lights, blankets and pillows were all over the place. 

Soon James arrived and we watched the sunset. 

While we were watching the sun go down, he suddenly spoke, "Y/N, I want to tell you something important."

I looked up to him and gave him a signal that I was listening "You told me that I was more than enough-  you told me I was sweet, caring, funny and more and that one day I will find another girl who will love me and care for me with all her heart and that I will be happy with her. I finally found her and I want to know if she feels the same. So, Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" 

I was getting tears of joy as I nodded my head as a 'yes'. As soon as he saw me nodding, he lifted me up and kissed me. It was full of love and passion. As soon as we both pulled away, he showered my face with pepper kisses as I giggled.

"Your finally mine, darling" he said. 

"I'm all yours, love." 

You don't think this is the end, do you? There will be more adventures for us both but that's a story for another time.

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