REGULUS BLACK ~ Jealousy Jealousy

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OH YOU LOOK SO COOL YOU GO OUT EVERY NIGHT 😠😠😠 ok anyway- requested name is Lavinia from dino_nuggets09 so yuh 😏 and on a completely unrelated note...WHO TF IS READY FOR ADELE'S NEW ALBUM BC I. AM. NOT. ok bye

"I'm actually this close to chopping off your ball-"


You sat with your best friend, Regulus, in the library. You were a Hufflepuff and your friendship together wasn't exactly praised upon by others, mainly Slytherins, but people had learned to just go with it over the years once they realised you didn't care if they judged.

You were studying for some upcoming tests and were halfway on your way to falling asleep out of exhaustion. Just as your head was about to hit the table...hard, since you were about to fall asleep, Regulus quickly placed his hands underneath your head. The sudden movements has woken you up again.

"Woah there, tiger," he chuckled, "Careful."

You smiled tiredly and yawned, stretching (lmfao I rewrote this word about 10 times bc I literally forgot how to spell it), "I'm so tired, Reg." He grinned and moved his chair around the table so he was next to you.

"Here, rest on my shoulder...or lap, anything works- now you call fall asleep without getting a bloody bruise on your forehead."

You shook your head tiredly, ", I have to study for the tests coming u-"

You, however, didn't finish that sentence since you fell fast asleep on Regulus' shoulder.


You sat with Regulus at his lunch table when Nicholas Smith, a fellow Hufflepuff, walked up to them. You smiled lightly at him when he stopped at where you were seated.

"Hey, Nicholas," you said, finishing off your food, "You okay?"

"Uhh, yeah," he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. You raised a brow. "Look, I was wondering whether you wanted to, er, go on, uhm, me...?"

You stared at him blankly. Regulus looked at you confused, but in hopes you'd say no. But you didn't realise it was in a hopeful way. You barely even noticed him staring  at you!

Nicholas shook his head, "Oh, no. Uhh, you know what? Forget about it. It was stupid to ask anyway and-"

"I'll think about about it," you interrupted, smiling at him.

He furrowed his brows, "Really? You will?"

You nodded, "Of course."

You two smiled at each other but you got distracted when you saw Regulus angrily taking off (zoooom) as he stormed out of the Great Hall.


After saying a hasty goodbye to Nicholas, you followed a very mad Regulus.

"Reg? Reg!" you had to speed walk to keep up with his faster strides. You placed your hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off roughly and didn't stop walking.

"Oh my-" you huffed, "Reg! Stop for Merlin's sake. Reg! Regulus!"

He whipped around, "What? What could you possibly want?!"

You scoffed, "To know why you're acting like...whatever this is! Why are you angry?"

"Because you're stupid! Okay? Just for once, can you be smart in making decisions and stop being a complete and utter idiot?!" (meanie poo poo pants ☹☹☹)

Woah. That was...very rude. What was wrong with him?! Your eyes slightly glazed but nothing else. You were about to speak but he wasn't finished. Did he seriously insult you like that?

"You know what? I'm completely surprised why someone like Smith would even want to ask someone you!"

Yes. Yes he did just insult you like that. Your heart broke at his words. 

"What do you mean...someone like me?" your voice broke as tears rolled down your face.

He wasn't done though, "What I mean  is that someone like you is-"

"Forget it," you said, tears still cascading down your face, "I don't want to bloody hear it. So apparently this is what you think of me. Fuck you, Black."

You ran back to your common room as Regulus stared after you. His angry expression turned soft and his eyes became wide as he gasped slightly, "Crap. Oh, no no no, what did I do- I-"

He let out a groan of frustration as he angrily ran his hands through his hair.


It had been about a week since your fight with Regulus and you had refused to talk to him, no matter how hard he tried.

One day at lunch, he walked up to you while you were eating with your other friends.

"Lavinia..." Regulus desperately looked at you as he walked up to your lunch table. Your friends scowled at him, moving somewhere else. You got up to move with them but Regulus grabbed your hand.

"Leave me alone, Black," you muttered coldly, not wanting to cause a scene.

"I- just please can we talk outside?"

You rolled your eyes, "Fine."

The two of you walked outside together, he was still lightly holding your hand. Once you were outside, you huffed, "What?"

"I'm sorry," he muttered, looking at the ground. (boy, wut?)

You scoffed, "Seriously?! That's the best you've got? Let's play a game called 'Tell Regulus what he's done wrong', shall we? I'll go first- You completely insult and tell me I'm stupid and then say you're shocked someone would want to go out with me but you say 'I'm sorry' whilst looking at the goddamn ground and expect everything to be okay? Think again, Black." (I mean...get it ig)

You turned on your heel, about to storm off when Regulus stops you, "No, Lavinia, wait. Look, I-" he sighed, "I'll play this game too. 'Tell Regulus what he's done wrong'. Well, I can tell you that Regulus was the idiot, not you. And he thinks he's stupid for saying all those horrible things to you. He is certainly not surprised at the fact that someone would want to go out with you and..." (little bitch boy don't just apologise and flatter me- bow and worship me <3)

"...and Regulus can also tell you he got so mad because...he's been in love with you since first year. And that he needs to stop referring to himself in third person."

Your expression softened and your eyes grew wide, " love me?"

He nodded sheepishly, "Yep. Since first year."

You started to smile lightly and whatever anger you had before washed away.

You walked slowly towards him, "Why didn't you just say so, dumbass?"

You pecked his lips and he gasped, " love me too?"

You nodded, resting your forehead against his, "More than you can even imagine?"

"Oh yeah?" he smirked, he gently wrapped his hands around your waist, "Show me."

You places your lips against his, going on your toes slightly as you moved one of your hands to play with his hair, the other on his chest. Regulus pulled you closer to him to close any remaining distance left between you. He took the hand that was on his chest and interlaced your fingers with his as you continued to kiss one another.

After a...very...ling time, you pulled away and stared at each other.

"I love you so much," he mumbled, kissing your forehead.

You hugged him, "I love you more."

"I love you most."


currently writing this while crying at the fact my friend is living the y/n life rn and I'm not ☹🔪 she's literally living in an enemies to lovers wattpad book istg-

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