JAMES POTTER ~ The Other Girl

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Okay, this doesn't have an extremely happy ending so yuh

"If I were to punch myself, and it hurt, am I strong...or am I weak?"


You were sat in Transfiguration, holding James' hand as he rubbed it gently with his thumb.

McGonagall began to finsih off the topic she was on, "-so does anyone have anymore questions?"

Sirius' hand shot up, "Well, Minnie, I, right here, have a revolutionary question. If I were to punch myself, and it hurt-"

Dear God

"-am I strong...or am I weak?"

Remus looked up from his book, "What you are is a dumbass."

Sirius scoffed, "Thanks for the kind, kind obsevration, Moony."

Remus smirked, "I always try."

"Well," McGonagall said briskly, "There's the answer you need, Black."

Peter put his hand up as McGonagall turned to him, "Yes, Pettigrew?" she spoke rather reluctantly.

"Minnie, can I head to the hospital wing? I think I caught that fever off the boy I sit next to in Potions."

James' eyes widened, "Whaaat? No! With the way you cast spells on yourself  to stop you from getting a cold, I'm pretty sure you didn't catch the cold!"

You smirked, "It's true- he can't catch anything."

Peter rolled his eyes, "Okay, then I'm leaving before Scarlett decided to be any more mean to me."

He got up and left

"But- wait- I didn't give you permission- oh, just let him go," McGonagall rolled her eyes.


It was a bit later, during lunch, when you were sitting with the boys as Lily, one of your best friends, walked past.

James called out, "Oi, Lilyflower, I need the answers for the homework Slughorn set us!"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Do it yourself, you lazy twat."

Your heart sunk slightly. Yes, it was true that James was your boyfriend, but he never seemed to stop calling Lily 'Lilyflower'. Now, it wasn't that you were fretting over it, but sometimes James acted in such ways towards her in which you couldn't help but think he wasn't over Lily. Everyone knew about his infamous crush he had on Lily... but you had moments where you just thought he was still in love with Lily.

He said he wasn't, and that he was only imn love with you and, most of the time, you believed him...you did...but...

You know what?

It was probably nothing.


Now you were sat in Potions, next to Lily, as you got a whiff of her perfume.

"Woah, Lil, is that a new perfume I smell?" you smiled.

She grinned, "Yeah, Sev, got it for me for my birthday- oh shut up!"

She said 'shut up' with a laugh as you waggled your eyebrows at her.

"Well, what I do know," she rolled her eyes, "is that this is now my new favourite perfume!"

You grinned, "Smells of roses." (a/n lmfao this is the first scent that came to my mind- I don't actually know if roses smells nice as a perfime, don't come at me)

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