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A/N This is a request from a user whose account got deleted :( so unfortunately they won't see this story but I hope you guys like it anyway :)

So the request was that the character was in a secret relationship with Remus and their in the Room of Requirement and they have a few muggle electronis (literally just a TV) bc she's muggleborn and it's just super fluffy :) I was asked that her name is Lara so let's get into it

"You really are the girl in this relationship."


You sat in the Room of Requirement waiting for Remus to come in. You were in a secret relationship but hadn't spoken to each other in around two weeks. It was only fourteen days but you were desperate. You two had given longing looks to one another across rooms but that was it. Furthermore, it was not helpful you two were in different houses.

Today, however, you were finally free. You had managed to get a TV set up and a few other snacks and blankets to cuddle with. Being a muggleborn, you knew how to use a TV and with the Room of Requirement giving you practically anything you wanted, you somehow managed to get Wi-Fi and an invisible satellite- oh, the joys of magic. 

It was early in the morning and you were slightly tired but you wanted to wait for Remus. 1 am isn't a bad time to watch Netflix is it? (a/n pretend Netflix was around at the time... also, there's n e v e r  a bad time to watch Netflix)

Soon enough, however, you fell asleep. Just at the time Remus walked in as well.

"Love? I'm here! I've graced you with my presen- oh," Remus yelled out to you but changed his voice to a whisper when he saw you lightly sleeping.

He wanted to wake you up, though. He was mean like that. He thought you looked gorgeous when you were asleep but wanted to actually talk to you for the first time in a while.

Remus slowly and gently shook you, "Lara?"

"Princess, it's me," he whispered. He knew you were awake but refused to open your eyes.

You didn't want to wake up, no matter how much you loved the boy. Before you knew it, though, you felt his lips plant a kiss on your forehead and you try not to smile and open your eyes. Mission failed. Your eyes fluttered open and you smiled sleepily at him.

"Hello there," you muttered as you brought your hands up to his soft hair.

He buried his face in your neck. "I missed you."

You chuckled, "Love, it was only two weeks." You knew that was too long too but decided to go with it.

"Darling, an hour without you is too long! I calculated it and I've spent 336 hours without you!" he groaned.

You used your hands to lift his head up gently and looked at him. You slowly brought your face towards his before speaking, "You really are the girl in this relationship."

He grinned at you and moved his head down to your chest as you twirled your hair around his fingers and he wrapped blankets around the two of you. 

"So, I have a few things in mind. Ice cream, cuddles, kisses, Netflix, be with you," Remus looked at you adorably. You nodded.

"Ok! I have ice cream in the freezer!" you grinned, getting up.

"No!" he cried as he grabbed your waist and pulled you back down.

"Remus, love, I need to get the-"

"No," he shakes his head with a pout, "I want cuddles."

"And cuddles you will get," you laughed, "but I need to get the ice cream!"

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