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The second request from swara768 :) requested name is Mia Thompson

"Hello, Mia," Marlene plopped down on the couch next to you. 

"Hey, yourself," you muttered not looking up from your book.

You were a Hufflepuff but most of your friends were from Gryffindor AND McGonagall loved you so you were allowed to go to the Gryffindor common room.

"So," Lily said, taking the book out of your hand and making you look at her, "We need your help."

"Lily needs your help," Alice corrected.

With a roll of her eyes, Lily continued, "I need your help with Sev and Potter and his friends."

You furrowed your eyebrows together in a confused manner, "What's wrong?"

"Well, Potter and his friends have been taking it to the highest point of their taunting and it's becoming terribly hard to stop Severus from using the Jelly Legs jinx on them... especially Black."

"I don't understand why you want to help him," chimed in Molly, "Show him a bottle of shampoo and he'll run away fast enough before Sirius can even take out his wand."

"You're hilarious," Lily rolled her eyes before turning to you, "So I need your help."

You raised a brow, "What can I do?"

"Well, you're on an ok relationship with Sev and your good friends with Sirius-"

"How is taking the same few classes with Sirius the same as being good friends with him?! You take every class with him- does that make you good friends?"

"Well, no, I guess n-"

"Besides, we only know of one another's existence... the most we've spoken is when he asked me what the time was-"

"Ok, fine, but your ok with Severus-"

"Evans, I've spoken to him once...once! All we talked about was how that Lockhart twat deserved to get hit in the stomach by a bowling ball so that he could have some sense knocked into him! Then we said he'd have to thank us after!"

Marlene snorted and Lily looked at you, "You spoke to Severus about how a boy fouryears younger than you had to thank you after you hit him in the stomach with a bowling ball to knock some sense into him?"

"And... this is all theoretical... right?" asked Molly.

You huffed, "At the moment. But at this rate, if he continues talking about himself as if he's some fantastic boy, I will make my conversation with Snape real."

"Oh, come on, Lockhart's just-"

"Lockhart's just the biggest self-obsessed nitwit I've ever had the unfortune to breathe the same air as and has the emotional range of a teaspoon," you interrupted.


After much convincing, Lily had persuaded you to speak to your 'bestie Severus' and said she would give you her stash of chocolate frogs if you did so.

Did you follow through and get your chocolate?

Yes. Yes you did.

"Hey, Severus," you smiled sitting next to him by a tree in a courtyard.

He looked around as if to make sure no Slytherins so him talking to a Hufflepuff. Rude.

After doing a survey of the area and making sure it was 'safe' he turned to you. "Pleasure to see you, Thompson."

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