JAMES POTTER - Never Have I Ever

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"Hot isn't it?"


Gryffindor had just one a quidditch match... This meant a party... Held my your best friends, the Marauders.

It was the typical party- swings and glasses of butterbeer being drunk and even firewhiskey for the older years (not that the younger years followed that rule, though).

At around 3 o'clock in the morning, people started to clear out, hoping to get some decent amount of sleep before the next day's lessons (especially the people who were bound to have a hangover).

At the end of the night (or morning depending on how you see it), the only people left were you and the Marauders.
"Hey, guys? I think I'm gonna go and head to my dorm for some sleep, " You murmured sleeping.

"No, Alexandra! You can't leave us! " Slurred a slightly drunk Sirius. You knew he was drunk because he only even called you by your full name when he was.

"Yeah, Lexi, please stay! We were about to play a game of Never Have I Ever, " Smirked James.

Ahhh, James. You crush since 2nd year that only Sirius and Remus knew about. But alas, his eyes were set on your best friend, Lily.

You pondered over whether staying or not before finally giving in after much persuading.

You all sat in a... Circle? More of an egg and Sirius spoke up.

"Okay, I'll go first. Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza by myself. "

"Liar, " You muttered.

Sirius looked at you before smirking, "Nuh-uh. You see, Alexandra, dearest, I have eaten a whole pizza but not by myself- Prongs was there to watch me! "

Wow. You rolled your eyes at him before Remus had a go, then Peter and then it was you.

"Okay, my go, " You said. You looked at James before smirking just like Sirius, "Never have I ever liked a red-head named, Lily Evans. "

But much to your surprise, James didn't put a finger down and even more, to your surprise, Sirius and Remus didn't look shocked!

You shrugged it off, but it felt odd when the whole school thought James liked Lily.

"Now it's Prongs' go, " Squeaked Peter.

"Hmmm... Never have I ever looked absolutely stunning at 3 o'clock in the morning," Said James who quickly made eye contact with you before looking at Sirius.

Sirius flipped his imaginary long hair over his shoulder whilst putting a finger down.

"Honestly, Prongs! You could just tell me that I look drop-dead gorgeous! "

"It wasn't you, Padfoot, sorry," Chuckles James before he leaned across the circle to you and pushed one of your fingers down.

You sat there, shocked. He thought you looked stunning? That's what he was implying. But he probably meant it as a joke or something else... Wouldn't he? God, Lexi! Stop overthinking.

Sirius and Remus were secretively smirking at each other since they both knew you liked James and James felt the same way but both of you didn't know it.

"Well, it's my go! Never have I ever liked Lexi."

What? What was he on about? You didn't realise James give Sirius a death look before putting down what was s middle finger.

Before you could respond, Remus started to talk.

"Never have I ever liked James. " He smirked, knowing you would have to put your finger down, which you reluctantly did but not before giving him a deadly look rival to James' which, luckily, went unnoticed by him.

You both started at each other before you felt a pair of hand on your back, Sirius' to be exact, and was being pushed forward towards James despite your protests.

Soon enough, you were directly in front of James, and quite close you might add, and knee to knee with him.

You both still had your hands up from the game and slowly dropped them at the same time. Both of your fingers entwined together but just very lightly

"Hey, Lexi," James whispered. You could feel his hot breath fan over your face, you were that close.

"Hey yourself, " You whispered back.

"Hot isn't it, " He spoke, a tiny smirk playing on his lips.

You stared at them whilst saying, "Indeed."

He laughed at you, flashing his perfect white teeth, before leaning in and kissing you softly and sweetly but with so much love.

It was just you and him... Well, it felt like that, but the two of you had forgotten that the others were in the room.

He pulled away, just slightly, and rested his forehead against yours. After a few seconds, he spoke.

"Never have I ever not wanted to kiss the person I just kissed. "

"Guilty, " You laughed whilst both of you at the same time put a finger down in your entwined hands. It was peaceful and calm before you heard a yell.


He was about to make up another lyric but was interrupted by the portrait hole opening and Professor McGonagall storming in, looking livid.

"Ahh, Minnie, Kon'nichiwa!" You made a mental note to remember to hex Sirius, so that he had blue skin, for his stupidity once he was sober again, no matter how sweet his drunken state was "we were just playing Never Have I Ever and Prongs and Alexandra just got married...isn't that nice, care to join us?"

"No, Black, I would certainly not, " McGonagall growled, "but I'm sure you'd care to join me in detention at lunchtime for this Saturday and Sunday? "

"Hmmm, I'm sure I can fit that on my busy, busy schedule, " Giggled (yes giggled) Sirius, who really wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything.

"That's good. Now if to bed, all of you! " She stated, her eyes rubbing over you and the others. You could see the slight up then if her lips, though.

You said yes to her and apologised for Sirius' childish behaviour.  

You bud good night to Remus and Peter who each grabbed one of Sirius' arms and dragged him upstairs to the boys' dorms.

"Mmmm... You smell nice!" Was the last thing you heard.

You turned towards James and straddled him before kissing him deeply.

"Night, boyfriend, " You said.

He laughed and responded, "Night, girlfriend. "


bLoOdY hELl... I am so sorry about this... Idk what it is 😭 it is ✨𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓽✨ Oh well... :(

Sorry, there might be quite a few mistakes here since I'm tired and doing this on my phone but as I said earlier, I will go over everything!

Bye! :)

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