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"I mean, personally, I've  always wanted a guy I've fancied to come up and just kiss me."


It was a bitterly cold day in Hogsmeade and you were walking with your best friend, James. Sirius was off with some girl he asked out, Remus had gone Tomes and Scrolls for a book and Peter was in detention with McGonagall...good- you never really liked Peter anyway.

At the moment James was rambling to you about a girl he liked and asking you for advice on how to ask her out because 'you're a girl.' To which you responded with well spotted.

"How do I tell her, Amelia?" James asked.

"James, trust me, she would honestly be a fool to not like you back," you said reassuringly, "but I just wish you'd bloody tell me who this mystery girl is!" You through your hands up in frustration and then plopped them back at your sides as a little kid would. 

He laughed out you, "But, Millie, you know her!" You sighed at the nickname. 

"Potter, if you want advice, I'd suggest you don't call me that," he rolled his eyes and you carried on talking, "but apparently I know this mystery girl?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him.

He shoved you lightly and nodded. "Even better! Well then tell me who she is because then I know how you can ask her out!" 

To be completely honest, you really didn't like the idea of James being with anyone else besides you. You had liked him since 3rd year and you were now in 6th! However, you were far too deep into the friend zone- you were his best friend!

"No," he refused and you groaned. You shrugged, "Stubborn hippogriff."

He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "What did you just call me, Millie?"

You gasped, "And what did you just call me, Fleamont?", knowing he hated the use of his middle name. 

He scoffed and began to chase you all the way to The Three Broomsticks. 

Once you arrived there, you were both out of breath and you were panting slightly as you walked up to the counter to ask Madame Rosmerta for a butterbeer.

"Two butterbeers, please," you told Madame Rosmerta and you reached into your pocket for some money. James stopped you by placing his hand on your arm, "I got it." He placed the money on the counter despite your protests and you two went to find a booth.

Once you had found one and sat down there with your drinks you took a big sip and sighed as the warmth of the drink hit your mouth. James chuckled before speaking, "Amelia, you've got some foam there," as he pointed to the side of his lip. You copied his actions and attempted to wipe it off but failed. He smiled at you and shook his head. You tried again but seemed to still not get it. He laughed and reached over the table to wipe it off with the side of his thumb.

"Thank you," you said, satisfied. 

"Okay, back to the topic," James said seriously, as he continued your previous conversation. "Should I get her a gift or something?"

You sighed, "Well, it depends on what type of girl it is," you took another sip of your drink, "it's definitely not a Slytherin so gifts for them would be thrown out the picture. If it's a Hufflepuff, I've heard from my friends in that house saying they like stuff to do with nature, so get her a really nice bouquet of flowers or a nice potted plant. If it's a Ravenclaw, maybe get her a book or new set of stationary and if it's a Gryffindor..." you trailed off realising that it was probably Lily that he wanted to ask out, which was odd when you considered he had already asked her out before.

James looked at you intently. "Yes, Amelia? If she's a Gryffindor...?"

You snapped out of your trance and looked at him. "I don't know." You let your jealous side take over.

He gasped. "What?! But your a Gryffindor!" spoke a shocked James, "Well, what would you on your own have wanted?"

You looked at him questioningly, wondering why he would ask you what you, in particular, would want, and thought about it for a moment before speaking, "I mean, personally, I've always wanted a guy I've fancied to come up and just kiss me. I doubt other girls would like that, but I would. But if it was I guy I didn't like then I would just freak out." You took another sip of your butterbeer. 

James' eyebrows furrowed as he kept looking at you. His eyes kept flickering from your eyes to your lips. This time, you furrowed your eyebrows.

"What is it, James? Do I have stuff on my lips again?" you asked bluntly. He shook his head furiously and looked at the table. He cleared his throat and spoke up, "Uh, come on let's go."

You looked at him, confused," But I haven't been finished my-"

"It's fine, it's not the last time you'll have it." You groaned at the fact you couldn't finish your butterbeer and the fact you'd have to go back into the cold outside. He gently took hold of your arm and dragged you outside. 

When you were outside you walked whilst pouting at him and he grinned innocently at you to which you rolled your eyes.

What you both didn't realise is that you both stopped walking as the two of you broke grins at each other. You started to talk.

"James, you-"

You were cut off by James connecting his lips with mine in a sweet kiss. You were stiff against him because you weren't expecting that. When he realised you didn't respond, he pulled away with sad eyes.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I just thought..." he paused, considering what to say, "Since you gave me advice." He sighed. "I'm sorry, I just thought you fancied me as well." He looked down to the ground on the verge of tears.

You laughed and he gave me a look of confusion. "What is it, Amelia?"

"Don't sweat it, Potter. Of course I fancy you! I just thought that, like, we're best friends and I'd never think you'd like me back!"

He beamed at you before bopping your nose, "And that, love, is why you're not a Ravenclaw." You rolled your eyes at him and pushed his shoulder slightly.

"Well, in that case," he started," how about we replay this whole scene?"

You smiled at him, "That sounds okay on my side." 

He wrapped his arms around you, one hand around your waist and the other on the small of your back. He pulled you closer to him as you loosley interlaced your fingers around his neck and looked into his hazel eyes.

You leaned in, as did he, and this time you shared a passionate, sweet kiss. You felt fireworks explode in your stomach as you kissed him and ran your hands through his hair. As the kiss got rougher, he pulled you closer and tried to rid the space between you two.

You smiled into the kiss and pulled away for air.

You both smiled at each other as you twirled a lock of his hair around your fingers.

He grinned cheekily at you and you raised an eyebrow. "You taste like butterbeer." 

You laughed and intwined your fingers with his as you two idly walked back to the castle together.

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