SIRIUS BLACK ~ Insecurities

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This is a request from dracoMmyman so thank you!

I have been asked that character's name is Diana Gaunt and who is obviously part of the Gaunt family.

TW⚠ this has her feeling insecure and thinking of herself badly so if that sort of stuff puts you off don't read this please! :) there's no s3lf h*rm or things, just in case you don't feel comfortable reading things about a lot of self doubt :) btw I'm not going against anyone with the description of the girl.. it's purely just for the sake of the story and how I was asked to describe her

If you are ever feeling bad or down, always feel free to message me. I know I'm just 1 person out of 7.9 billion who is just writing stories for your entertainment and just a random person through the screen, but feeling like this is not nice- I've been there. So, if you ever want to talk to someone who won't judge you because they don't know you, always feel free to message me! :)

You are all beautiful ❤

"I love you."


You were in love with Sirius Black. But you would never tell him- not now, not ever. You were too shy. More ashamed, though. He was absolutely gorgeous. His longish black hair, beautiful stormy grey eyes and his great jawline (you weren't sure how you could be in love with a jawline but we all surprise ourselves). Even the way he walked managed to get you to fall in love with him over and over again. He was just insanely attractive. The complete opposite of you.

You had long, brown hair that you hated. You thought it made you look ugly. And then the eyes. Your eyes were plain and boring. No long, luscious lashes, or beautifully coloured eyes- just plain, boring brown eyes. Sirius Black probably didn't even know you existed. And yet his existence was all you could think about.

Your best friends- Lily, Marlene and Alice- knew how you were head over heels for the boy. They also knew how many times you doubted yourself and felt insecure despite the fact they told you you were beautiful. But they were just saying that. They had to- they were your friends, it's basically their job to make you feel 'confident' even if they didn't mean it. Which you were sure they didn't.

Now, it's not to say you weren't happy- no. You were very happy- you had great friends, an amazing school, delicious food and a family. It was just you and your insecurities. Me, myself & I.


Sirius Black was in love with you. Now, he would say that you could never like him back... but who was he kidding? He had the charm, personality and looks. He still feared rejection, though. Rejection from someone as beautiful as you. Someone who didn't realise exactly how many boys actually wanted to get with her. He had never liked anyone let alone been in love before!

 He loved your shiny, long brown hair and your beautiful brown eyes. Oh, and your laugh. It was like music to his ears. He had fallen for you. Hard. But how was he supposed to tell you? 


You were walking to the Great Hall the usual way- head down, eyes on the floor, hair hanging over your face. Invisible... where no one would spare a second glance at you. Not Sirius- he felt your presence as soon as you stepped into the same room.

He saw you walk into the Great Hall and sit down with your friends, smiling lightly at them as you did so. He didn't realise he was staring until he felt something thrown at his head.

It was a bread roll- thrown by James.

"Oi, Mr. Lovey Dovey, stop staring and eat your pie," James spoke, pointing his fork at Sirius.

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