REMUS LUPIN - Friend or Foe Pt.2

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"Oi, Sleeping Beauty, how about we both do this project?"


"Next up is, let's see- ah, yes! Remus Lupin and Olivia Wilson."

What. The. Frickety. Fuck.

Did you hear him right?

"Uh, sir, sorry, but who did you say I was with?" you questioned nervously.

Slughorn smiled at you lightly, "Mr. Lupin, dear." 

As soon as his back was turned, you groaned loudly only to be interrupted by a book slamming on your desk. You looked up to see it was Lupin scowling at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Ooh, first being late to class, then skipping it and now not enthusiastic with work- maybe I will have to give you a detention," he smirked.

You scoffed, "Please, Lupin, being with you is punishment enough."

He sighed, "Ditto. Come on, let's get started."

By the end of the lesson, the two of you had successfully managed to create the Wiggenweld potion and had stored it in a glass vile.

"Right, as much as I don't want to ask you this, but, how about we meet up every lunch time to do this project?" Remus said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, fine, whatever," you muttered angrily before stomping off.


Over the course of the next week you had met up with Lupin, out of pure spite, and worked on the project with him.

It was, at the moment, Wednesday, and you two were sitting in the library- Remus reading a book and you half asleep. Remus saw this and sighed frustratedly.

"Oi, Sleeping Beauty, how about we both do this project? Hey! There's an idea!"

You jerked up an then yawned and lazily rested your head on the table again with your eyes closed.

"Sod off, Lupin, I'm tired."

He rolled his eyes and was about to make a snarky remark at you before realising you were suddenly fast asleep.

At the end of lunch, you were still asleep and Remus wasn't sure whether to wake you up or not.

You looked so peaceful lying there and for some bizarre reason, he didn't want to disturb you. Also, he oddly thought you looked so beautiful sleeping there. What? No he told himself. Then he remembered that Gryffindors had a free period so you could carry on sleeping.

Therefore, he packed up everything the two of you had gotten out for the project and wrote you a note so that you wouldn't wake up thinking something was wrong.


You woke up suddenly and looked at your surroundings and remembered that you were in the library with Remus for your project. You saw that he had gone and packed everything up and left you a note which you picked up to read.

Didn't want to wake you up because you really need that beauty sleep. If you read this during our free period then remember that we have DADA last. Also, make sure you tidy yourself up- you look like a hippogriff :) 


You smiled at the note and made a mental note to thank him. Then that was when you realised- Remus Lupin was not a terrible person to be around with.

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