REGULUS BLACK ~ Friend Zone?

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A/N A request from aNoNyMoUs where the character's name is ✨Aurelia✨

"Do you want to know when our first kiss is going to be?"




"I said no."

"But I said yes."

You sighed and turned to Regulus- you're best friend. "Regulus Black, no."

"Oh, please, Aurelia, this is the last time, I swear," he looked at you in desperation.

Long story short, everyone had to put their finished potion in a vile; however, Regulus had messed his up and wanted some of yours.

"This is the third time in three weeks!" you groaned as you put your potion in a vile.

"Fine. If you do, I'll get you that book you wanted."

There it was. The bribe. Which you would fall for. You looked up and saw Slughorn walking around looking at everyone's completes potions.

"Black," you muttered under your breath. You quickly ladled some of your potion into a second vile to hand to Regulus before murmuring a spell to get rid off the one in his couldron.

By the time you were done, Slughorn had just arrived at your table.

"Oh, Aurelia, my dear girl, it's perfect!" he boomed, "10 points to Slytherin. Now, let's see yours Mr. Bla- oh, where is it?"

"Sorry, sir, I cleared it up but I have it in this vile here," Regulus said. If there was one thing Regulus Black was good at, apart from looking good (yes, you had a crush on him), it was making up excuses on the spot.

"Another perfect one, you're just as good as potion making as your parents, my boy." 

He walked away and Regulus turned to you and started speaking quietly, "You have no idea how much I love you, right now."

Oh, how you longed for those words to be true in a non-friend zone way. 

"Yes, well, you can show how true that is by buying me that book," you winked.


You sat by a tree near the Black Lake, reading your new book, whilst resting your head against Regulus' shoulder. Regulus was fast asleep, despite the fact he slept until 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Soon enough, though, he started snoring. And loudly at that. You snapped your book shut and shook him awake.

"Oi, Mr. I-sleep-till-one-in-the-afternoon-but-still-manage-to-fall-asleep-three-hours-later, don't snore that loudly."

"Ok, ok, keep your hair on," he groaned. Regulus was grumpy whenever he was woken up and still tired. You rolled your eyes, and turned your attention to the people playing and swimming in the lake.

"Want to go for a swim?" smirked Regulus.

"What? No, the lake's too cold. I'm surprised people even wanted to- wait, what are you doing? Oi, let go!" you yelled.

Regulus had grabbed your hand and easily hoisted you up before dragging you too the lake. You tried pulling but he was much stronger than you.

Before you knew it, he picked you up at the edge of the lake and threw you in.

You splashed into the water, still fully dressed. You emerged from the water and glared at him.

He was laughing at you, "What the fuck was that for?!"


"Yeah, yeah. Now help me out," you walked up to him where he held out his hand for you to take to climb out.


As soon as you grabbed his hand, you pulled him into the lake with you. He landed with a splash before coming up to the surface.

"Aurelia!" he shouted.

"Oh, come on, that's the oldest trick in the book! How could you fall for that?" you laughed.

He splashed you aggressively and you splashed him back, laughing.


You sat on the sofa in the Slytherin common room in your pyjamas. Regulus sat next to you and handed his mug of half finished hot chocolate.

"Go on a date with me," he said suddenly. He didn't seem fazed by what he had just said but just stared into the fire before turning his gaze to you.

You, on the other hand, were having a mental party. "Fine, if you insist," you muttered before grinning at him. He beamed back at you.

"Do you want to know what our first date is going to be?" you asked.

"Oh, definitely," he smiled.

"Right here, right now, with hot chocolate and my new book," you smirked.

"Perfect," he grinned, "Do you want to know when our first kiss is going to be?"

You raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk, "By all means,"

He turned his body more towards you and cupped your face with his hands.

"Right here, right now."

He leaned in and before you had time to respond, his lips were on yours. You immediately responded and kissed back putting your hands in his hair whilst his moved to your waist.

Soon enough, the kiss became deeper and Regulus pulled you off of your spot on the sofa and onto his lap.

You pulled away and smiled at him, "You're a good kisser, Black."

"So are you, gorgeous."


Sorry, this is a bit of a train wreck (pUlL mE oOoOuuUuUuUUtTtTt of the train wreck). I'm running low on ideas and at 11 o'clock in the evening without coffee (which is fine because I despise coffee anyway)

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