SEVERUS SNAPE ~ James Potter's Twin Pt.2

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"Hey, Prongs, where's Emma?" questioned Sirius as he, James, Remus and Peter walked through the corridors of Hogwarts.

"I don't know, Padfoot, but I'm sure she's fine," responded James.

"Don't you find it a bit odd though?" asked Remus.

"What?" said Sirius and James at the same time.

"Every time the Gryffindors and Slytherins have a free period, Emma always disappears and so does Snape because we can't ever find him to annoy him."

The other three thought about it for a moment before Sirius spoke up, "Prongs, where's the map?"

"Right here, why?" Asked James whilst reaching into his robes. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Why'd you think, dipshit?" He said sarcastically as a look of understanding came across James' face.

"Oh, okay. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," muttered James as he pointed his wand towards what looked like a spare piece of parchment.

As soon as the map showed up the boys looked for a your name.

"Aha! There she is," shouted  Remus as he pointed to your location in the abandoned classroom but his smile was soon replaced with a confused frozen, "but she's with...Snape?"

The Marauders looked at each other before communicating wordlessly to look for you.

"I swear to Merlin, if Snivellus has done anything to my little sister, I'll kill him!" Yelled James angrily as he and his friends stormed through the hallways to get to the classroom. 

"Prongs...little sister? She's literally a minute younger!" Chuckled Sirius as they continued to run down the hallways.

"Not the time, point or place, Pads!" Intervened Remus.

Soon enough they reached the abandoned classroom and slipped on the invisibility cloak before pushing open the door by just an inch to see what was going on.

James had his wand out ready to hex his enemy but paused as he saw you two...laughing? 

He saw Shape kiss your forehead lightly. 


"So, now that your my boyfriend we can do this a lot more-" you said before connecting your lips with his for the second time that afternoon and you felt that same heavenly bliss. 

Little did you know, your brother and the others were outside the door watching your every move.

From underneath the cloak, James was seething. That was his little sister  kissing his worst enemy and least favourite person in the world. 

Sirius, Remus and Peter looked at him with pleading eyes that translated to please don't jump out or do anything!  

But James had other plans. He jumped out from underneath the cloak, burst open the door completely and screamed, "GET YOUR HANDS OF MY SISTER, SNIVELLUS!" 

You and Sev broke apart at the yell and turned to see James standing there raging with a fire in his eyes.

"Crap," You muttered.

"Crap, indeed, Emma Louise Potter," snarled James. However, he soon became sad and looked at you, " How long have you been talking to each other?"

"A couple of months-"

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