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"You have lips."


Heya soo I'm doing a request from the wonderful Miya514 and dw hunny... I'll follow you soon I promise 😂❤ It's a long one sorta...why are all my Remus oneshots so long lmao alsoooo THE GIF ABOVE IS CUTE, HOT AND ADORABLE ALL IN ONE YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!!! 🥰🥵🥺

It was a normal night in the Gryffindor common room... Well, whatever normal means with the Marauders around.

Usually, girls would focus on Sirius Black- the so-called 'bad boy hottie.' But not her... Not Amiya Barnes. She had her eyes focused on the one and only Remus Lupin.

With his cute smile, messy-in-a-neat-way hair and his jokey but strict and protective elderly brother personality... Could you blame the young witch?

Miya hadn't realised that she was staring until she felt a harsh prod in her arm and a firm whack on her head. She broke out of her trance to find her best friends, Alice, Lily and Marlene smirking at her.

"What?" Miya asked, pretending that she wasn't just staring at her long time crush.

"You know very well what, Barnes," Chuckled Lily.

"Merlin's beard, Miya! Just go and talk to him!" Spoke Marlene.

"Are you joking? No way! He doesn't even know I exist! What do you want me to say to him? 'Hi my name's Amiya Barnes and I'm in your year and the same house as you. I've been crushing on you since 2nd year, wanna go out? ' Pshhh, yeah right, " She ranted.

"Exactly! Now go on," Pushed Alice.

"In your dreams, guys."

It was another day of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Miya was walking into the classroom with her friends to get a backseat.

"Oh no, not today Miss. Barnes-" Started the professor. "Soon to be Mrs. Lupin," Whispered Marlene. Miya elbowed the girl discretely before continuing to listen to the professor.
"-you all will be working in partners today as a boy-girl partnership. I'll be putting your groups together and starting at the top of the register... Miss Barnes, you'll be with, let's see... Ah yes! Miss. Barnes, you'll be paired with Mr. Lupin. Off you go and start practising the Defence shield spell with him like we learnt last lesson. "

Miya's eyes widened and her heart started beating faster. SHE WAS PARTNERS WITH HER CRUSH!!!! okay, calm down, stupid. He'll think you're a weirdo she told herself as she walked away from her smirking and teasing friends.

As she got into an open space with Remus, she looked at him and started to talk to him.

"Uh, right... So, um-hi! My name's Miya, short for Amiya. Amiya Barnes but you probably got that because the professor said that at the beginning and so it's obvious... " She blabbered, her voice getting quieter with every word she said. She internally punched herself hard for being too awkward and made a mental note to whack herself on the head for her stupidity.

Remus chuckled at the girl's embarrassment and waved at her. Merlin's bloody beard! His laugh is so cute! Miya thought.

"Uhhh, right. Let's get started then. " She said with her eyes facing the floor.

"Okay, why don't I cast a simple disarming spell and you deflect it?" Remus suggested. Ooooh, taking control... I love a man who does tha- Miya's thoughts were interrupted by a voice her brain telling her to reply to Remus before he really did think she was some sort of weirdo.

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