REMUS LUPIN ~ Library Visits

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"You ask me if I've studied, I say 'yes, but we both know that's not true. I mean, are we not past this point in out relationship?"


You had an exam tomorrow- more specifically, a transfiguration exam. Now, on most occassions, you would've tried to get out of doing the exam. 

Right now was 'most occassions'. (same bro)

So where were you headed? Professor Minnie.

Five minutes later, you were deep into that coversation.

"No, Minnie, please," you begged.

"I will not hear it, Smith, and that is the last of it. You will take the test and that is final," McGonagall retorted for the ten (millionth) time.

Honestly, some people are just so stubborn. (i agree)

"Okay, look, how about this," you started, following McGonagall as she walked out of the classroom, "you let me skip this test and the others and in the summer, I will complete every single test you plan on giving us during the holidays?!" (smart gal)

McGonagall furrowed her eyebrows, "Smith, I'm not planning on giving any tests during the holidays so there will be no tests for you to complete. That deal is entirely unfair-" (no estoy de acuerdo icl)

"So do we have a deal? We do?! Great!" you said excitedly, grabbing her hand to shake before she could even process what was happening.

You began to run off before she could stop you but felt the force of an invisible shield and fell to the floor. You looked at McGonagall who was giving one of her 'proud' smiles as she beckoned you towards her.

You hung your head and you shuffled towards the woman.

"Smith, am I to believe that this is your way of telling me that you haven't studied properly?"

"Minnie, do we actually have to do this again?" you yawned tiredly, "You ask me if I've studied, I say 'yes, but we both know that's not true. I mean, are we not past this point in out relationship?"

"No, Smith, we are most certainly not-"

"Then I've been studying," you shrugged. (modern family has me on chokehold)

She scoffed, "That was far from a good attempt," she continued walking as you followed her, " you should neve- oh look! Here's a library. I suggest you put it to good use, my dear," and with that, she strormed off.

Honestly, who was she? Walking off like a hot shot, forcing people to take exams. It was abonimable. 

You dragged your feet into the library and grabbed a random Transfiguration book before slumping in a seat. The only other person in the library was a boy studying peacefully and you sat in a table a couple of tables away from his. You recognised him- he was in the year above you. 

Remus Lupin, you thought his name was? Well, you didn't think- you knew. Who didn't? He was friends with the infamous Potter and Black. They were never separated.

Except now.

Remus was alone, writing notes and referring back to some book every now and then. 

You had always only observed him from a difference- he always striked your interest more than anyone else. How could someone be so responsible that they are part of the most troublesome group in school and yet manage time to study, not cause too much trouble to get expelled and still look good? (well there's a reason he's a fictional character)

Yeah, that was a pretty hot personality.

However, you never really took notice of his looks. Sure, at first glance, you immediately knew he was good looking- anyone would, which is why you probably just thought nothing of it.

But up-close? Oh, up-close was another story. You had never realised how...beautiful he was from a closer, different perspective. He had these gorgeous brown eyes, with different shades of brown throughout, and messy, ruffled hair that still managed to look 'neat'? (I'd like to emphasise on fictional...and then andrew garfield- and then I'd like to remind the person reading this that you'll never get either people <3)

He also had these...scars...on his face? Well, that's what you thought they were anyway. You did not know how he got them, but you were certain that you were curious. And you were certain that all those scars did were enhance his beauty.

You couldn't help but stare at him. You were falling for him in the span of ten minutes without realising. (way to state the obvious einstein)

Hang on- ten minutes?! You had been staring at him for ten fucking minutes.

You look back down at your book, mentally slapping yourself for getting carried away.

How long did you look back down at your book for?

You weren't sure- but it was definitely less than thirty seconds.

The way he wrote and moved his hand across the parchment caught your eye. 

That was a lie.

His hands caught your eye. (the hots i have for hands is unbelievable)

And slowly, slowly, your eyes travelled back up to his face and you, once again, were mesmerised by him. (it's been more than ten minutes and bro still hasn't noticed the only other inhabitant room that's fucking oggling him)

After about five minutes of continuous staring, he finally looked up at you and you made eye contact. 

He carried on looking for another two seconds and you blushed just slightly, hoping he didn't see. You smiled at him softly just to cover everything up, not knowing what else to do but cringe when he didn't return it and continued to work.

From then on, the same cycle continued- everytime you tried to work, got got distracted by him and stared at him, he would sense your stare.

How could you help it? There was too much mystery to his face which was the literal definition of gorgeous. Only three people in the school knew about him.

Deciding to take a break from not studying at all, you scraped your chair back and walk to a dim lit area at the back, stopping by at a window to look at the rain outside. 

A few minutes later, you felt a shadow join you. You turned around to see him leaning against a bookshelf with his hair messy and hands shoved in his pockets. (hot.)

He didn't say anothing- just stared at you, and you stared back with your heart hammering. 

Soon enough, the tension was unbearable and you turned away.

"Stop staring," you whispered, facing the window.

"Probably shouldn't have been staring at me like that then," he said back quitely.



this was already in my drafts from November but I forgot it actually existed xoxo

anyway this is literally the first time I am writing and posting a story in 8 months so BE FUCKING NICE AND IF ITS SHIT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF <33

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