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"Pretend you're kissing the person you love most in the whole, entire world..."


You jumped onto James' bed and grinned at him, "So, Potter, what is it you wanted me for?"

He smiled back at you, "Well, you know how I've got that date with Ella Manrique from Ravenclaw?"

You nodded but your heart lurched. You had a crush on James since forever and you basically loved him. Yes. You did love him. But you were best friends...nothing more unfortunately.

"Yeah, what about it?" you asked.

"Well, I don't know how the date will end...as in whether it would end in a kiss or not."

"Oh, um- go on..."

"But the thing is...I've never had a proper kiss with someone before. I've only had 3 dates before and they ended in hugs but nothing more."

"Sooo...what did you want?"

"Well, I was wondering whether you would teach me?" he looked at you sheepishly.

Your heart broke... you finally got to kiss the love of your life but it was just acting. You nodded quickly and held back tears.

"Great, thanks, Katy!" he grinned at you and immediately leant forward but you stopped him by placing a finger on his lips and laughed.

"Woah, slow down, tiger," you said, "if you want Ella to kiss you back, you have to start of slowly and not rushing it."

He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded, "Okay then. So what do I need to do?"

"Well, first, you need to close the distance between yourselves." You moved forward so that your knees were touching and your faces were inches apart. You then decided to whisper since you were so close to him.

"And then?"

"And then, you hold her in some comforting, loving way..."

"Like this?" he questioned as he cupped your face gently and put the other on your waist. Slightly taken aback at how gentle he was, you nodded lightly.

"Yeah...yeah, just like that. And then lean forward slowly so that she has time to respond..."

"And then kiss her?"

"Yep...and then kiss her."

He leaned forward and forcefully pushed his lips onto yours. You pulled away slightly, "James, kiss her slowly and gently."

He nodded, "But how do I show her I like her and make sure the kiss is nice?"

"Well, er-" you really didn't want to say what you were about to say. Really, you wanted James to mess up so that he lost his date and there was more of a chance of him being with you. But you would never do that and be that selfish.

"Well er- pretend you're kissing the person you love most in the whole, entire world..." you whispered.

A determined look appeared on James' face as he then slowly leaned forward and once again connected his lips with yours. This time the kiss was better. You closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss as well, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. He kissed you gently and passionately with lots of love.

After a while you pulled away, "Well, yeah that's it! That's all you have to do. Kiss her like that and she'll fall for you even harder!" you forced a laugh and James noticed this but didn't push it.

He smiled at you. "Thank you, Katy!" he said. You nodded your head, "Anytime. Hey, I bet it was Lily you pretended to kiss," you teased him, trying to hide your true feelings.

He smiled gently at you, "I-" Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked Sirius, "Prongs, mate, you need to get ready for  your- oh, hi, Katy!" you waved at him, "Anyway, James, you need to get ready for your date with Ella."

You made eye contact with James, "Er, right then, I'll just be going now." You waved to the two boys and shut the door to their dorm. As soon as you did, you let the tears fall down your face as you rushed to your dorm. Luckily no one was there so you cried for a good while of heartbreak and then decided wash your face and then go down to the common room to do some homework.


You had been in the common room for about two hours when you felt the sofa dip beside you.

You turned to see your best friend Marlene next to you beaming widely. 

"Uhh...hey, Marlene. Why are you so happy?" you asked her.

"I have something to show you at the entrance of the school," she smirked.

You looked at her sceptically, "Why in Merlin are you looking at me like that?"

"Just come on!" she grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the common room despite your protests.

After about 5 minutes, the two of you arrived at the entrance.

"Marlene, I told you I don't want to-" you stopped talking as you saw James standing at the entrance door of the school.

"-oh, hi, James. Back from your date already?" you asked him.

He nodded. "I kissed Ella," he blurted out.

Your heart broke again...that was it. He had finally kissed a girl and now they were probably gonna date, get married in Hawaii, have kids who end up becoming famous and then-

"Oh, you did? That's great!" you said, faking happiness. However, he shook his head and you frowned.

"Not great?" you questioned.

"I got one of the steps wrong..." he looked at the ground.

"Oh, well don't worry, there are plenty of other fish in the sea. But which step was it?"

"Well," he started walking slowly towards you, "I closed the distance between us."

He stopped walking as soon as there was minimum space between yourselves. "And then I held her." You noticed how he didn't say he held her in a 'loving, comforting way' like you had told him. He placed a hand on your waist and the other on your cheek.

"And then I leant in slowly," he whispered, leaning in slowly but stopping about half an inch from your lips.

"But do you know what I did wrong, Katy?" he said, his hot breath fanning over your face and smelling faintly of butterbeer.

You shook your head lightly he he smiled ever so slightly.

"I couldn't kiss the person I love most in the whole, entire world..." And with that, he placed his lips upon yours and kissed you.

You were overwhelmed. His lips tasted faintly of butterbeer and the kiss was sweeter in all ways.

Your lips moved against his slowly as your heart skipped a beat and threatened to escape from your chest. The hand upping your face slowly moved down to clumsily entwine both of your fingers together. Your lips parted as you both pulled away to catch your breath and you booth smiled softly at each other.

"So, how did I do?" he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours. "Did I do it right?"

"Y-yeah...I'd like to think so," you said, taken aback. "What about Ella, though?"

"Who's Ella?" he smirked.

You laughed lightly against his lips as you kissed him again, remembering to go slowly because as of that moment, you were with the person you loved most in the whole, entire world.

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